Pokémon Go Update 0.39.1 Released

Niantic rolled out Pokémon Go version 0.39.1 on September 25, two days after the previous big update. However, the changelog remains the same except for the “minor text fixes”.


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Pokémon Fanart – Metal Hybrid Pokémon Concept Art

Hybrid Pokémon that are part metal and part organic composition equipped with advance weaponry and armor. For more fanart, visit Frame Wars.


Hybrid Mewtwo



Hybrid Snorlax



Hybrid Lapras



Hybrid Gyarados



Hybrid Charizard



Hybrid Blastoise



Hybrid Venusaur



Source: Frame Wars

Pokémon Go 0.39.0 New Anti Cheat System

Pokémon Go is a very popular real world game of today. But as with any successful game, cheating is a common problem which follow suit. Niantic Labs have taken action against some of these cheaters by dropping the ban hammer on players guilty of using cheat tools.


Pokémon Go 0.35.0

As of version 0.35.0, a new method for fighting bots was discovered in the apk – captcha. When the server detects abnormal player behavior, they could be prompted with a captcha screen. These are mostly used for fighting with the bots and trackers.


Pokémon Go 0.37.0

For version 0.37.0, rooted Android devices (and jailbroken iOS devices) are blocked from loading the game.


Pokémon Go 0.39.0

We found more anti cheating security added into the latest version of Pokémon Go 0.39.0:


  • get_ShouldShowCheatWarning
  • set_ShouldShowCheatWarning
  • <ShouldShowCheatWarning>k__BackingField
  • ShouldShowCheatWarning



Pokémon Go 0.39.0 Queued Moves For Gym Battle

Pokémon Go 0.39.0 for Android and 1.9.0 was officially released on September 24. If you have not downloaded yet, head over to Apple Store and Android Store for the update. There are some improvements for gym battle.


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Pokémon Go 0.39.0 IV Changes

Pokémon Go 0.39.0 for Android and 1.9.0 for iOS was announced on September 23 and officially released on September 24. There are some new features for this update and bug fixes. One of these bug fixes although not specified was actually fixing the IV of starter Pokémon caught in the wild.


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TOHO, SOFT BANK Sponsor Found in Pokémon Go 0.39.0

We found that there are two more sponsor companies added in Pokemon Go 0.39.0, the previous company in sponsors was McDonalds.

Both of them are Japanese Company
The code we found in the APK is TOHO, if not mistaken it is
Toho Co., Ltd. 東宝株式会社 http://toho.co.jp

The another code we found is SOFTBANK
SoftBank Group



The below image contains the code excerpts.

Pokémon Go Update 0.39.0 And 1.9.0 Released

Niantic announced a new Pokémon Go update is to be released early yesterday morning. The update is already in Apple and Android store now. It is version 1.9.0 for iOS and 0.39.0 for Android. There are several new features as well as some bug fixes that comes with this update.


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How To Defeat Venusaur In Pokémon Go

Venusaur is a dual type Pokémon, Grass and Poison. Venusaur evolves from Bulbasaur, which is one of three starters.


Here are the strategies and best move set that is super effective on Venusaur.


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Pokémon Go Update 0.39.0 For Android and 1.9.0 For iOS

Niantic has announced an update for Pokémon Go around midnight of September 23. With this new update, trainers can capture incense spawned Pokémon with Pokémon Go Plus. There will also be more info on the Pokémon page like the date and location of the capture.


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How To Defeat Flareon In Pokémon Go

Flareon which could be evolved from Eevee is a Fire type Pokémon. As with other Fire type Pokémon, its base attack is high with a low HP.


Here are the strategies and best move set that is super effective on Flareon.

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