Egg Incubator

Hatching eggs is the best way to catch ’em all. Egg Incubators will help you hatch Pokémon as you walk.


Types of Incubators


  • Orange Incubator has unlimited use.
  • Blue Incubator will break after used for 3 times.


When to Use Egg Incubator

You should always use your Egg Incubator and have an Egg in the Orange Egg Incubator at all times as it has unlimited use. The CP of a hatched Pokémon is determined by your trainer’s level either at the time that you place it in the incubator or when acquire.


If you only have the Orange Egg Incubator,

  • Concentrate on eggs with lower distance (2km) if you want to clear up space for more new eggs.
  • Concentrate on eggs with higher distance if you want to unlock new Pokémon.

If you have both the Orange and Blue Egg Incubator,

  • Use your Orange Egg Incubator to hatch low distance eggs (2km) since this incubator would not break after a certain amount of usage.
  • Use your Blue Egg Incubator for higher distance eggs since you can get more value from its three times usage.
    • 2km eggs with 3 times usage nets you 6km of total usage before the incubator breaks.
    • 5km eggs with 3 times usage nets you 15km of total usage before the incubator breaks.
    • 10km eggs with 3 times usage nets you 30km of total usage before the incubator breaks.
  • Since the egg inventory is capped at 9, you can use up to 9 Egg Incubators at once.


How to Obtain Orange Egg Incubator

Every trainer starts the game with an Orange Egg Incubator.


How To Obtain Blue Egg Incubator

Level Up Bonus

2 Incubators

Trainer Level Blue Incubator
6 1 Incubator
10 1 Incubator
15 1 Incubator
25 1 Incubator
30 3 Incubators
35 1 Incubator
40 4 Incubators



Coins Required Blue Incubator
150 PokeCoins 1 Incubator