FastPokeMap Released Pokémon Go API As Promised
FastPokeMap developer has released the Pokémon Go API for connecting to the Pokémon Go Server after much chaos these few days.
FastPokeMap developer has released the Pokémon Go API for connecting to the Pokémon Go Server after much chaos these few days.
FastPokeMap are forced to go offline again as Niantic rolled out a new security measure to stop third party services from accessing their servers.
In the midst of Halloween Event for Pokémon Go, Niantic has just announced a minor update being released. The latest version will be 0.43.4 for Android and 1.13.4 for iOS.
FastPokeMap, the biggest Pokémon Go map scanner is working again. After being offline for more than two weeks, FastPokeMap is back on Sunday, October 23.
FastPokeMap will likely be back online by this weekend. The developer of FPM just tweeted that the last piece of the puzzle has been found. They have fully cracked the new encryption which was released on October 7 by Niantic.
Niantic has made it a point to block all third party developers from accessing their servers. The implementation of reCaptcha system only managed to slow down bots and scanners. But the continuation of these third party services are very costly as developers have to spend a lot of money to have the reCaptcha solved.
Niantic managed to take down all third party scanners with their recent security update. Bots did not escape the onslaught as well. In order to bypass the new API, reverse engineer is needed. The lack of interest from reversing community is troubling, but this is not surprising as Niantic has made it very clear that they are not happy with third party services accessing their servers.
Niantic has pushed few security updates which are aimed at third party services. Scanners, trackers, and botters faced a hurdle when the Captcha system was implemented but that does not kill them off totally. Just when these third party services are about to solve the reCaptcha problem. Niantic updated the API which disabled all access for these third party scanners and botters.
Niantic is determined to block third party developers from accessing their servers to extract data. Popular map scanner like PokéVision was killed previously, but new ones pop up days later.
The Captcha security was enforced yesterday where suspicious players will be presented with a reCaptcha which must be solved in order to continue the game. This proved to be a problem for scanners and botters, since the accounts are managed by machines, and there will be no way to solve the reCaptcha without a human input.
Niantic has just activated the Captcha system which crippled third party apps, botters, and scanners.
In the fight to prevent third party apps and services to access their data, Pokémon Go developer has tightened their security by enabling Captcha if any unusual behaviour is detected to verify that it is not controlled by machines. The biggest Pokémon Go map scanner, FastPokeMap is still working but only at about 40-50 percent capacity.