Pokémon Go Tips: How To Request New Pokestops And Gyms

The biggest problem for Pokémon Go players living in rural areas is the lack of Pokestops and Gyms. Currently, the Pokestops and Gyms in the virtual world of Pokémon Go comes from Ingress, another game created by Niantic Labs. So if there are no active Ingress players in an area, there will be literally nothing much for Pokémon Go players to play with.

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Pokémon Go Is Live In The UK

Pokémon Go is officially launched in the UK, one day after the release in Germany. It was already available in the US, Australia and New Zealand earlier last week. But nonetheless, some UK Pokémon fans found ways for early access by sideloading the Android APK or using a US App Store account to download the game.

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Pokémon Go Launched In Europe Starting With Germany

Pokémon Go first released in Australia and New Zealand earlier last week followed by US half a day later. The game was not officially available in the UK until today. There have been server issues since its launch which halted the global release. As things are starting to smoothen up, the game continues to be rolled out globally. Pokémon Go is now available in Germany for both iOS and Android.

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How To Register For Pokémon Go On Gmail

You might have noticed that there is a new hype in town. When looking at your Facebook feed, you were surprised by the number of people talking about this new game, Pokémon Go. There is an obsession to catch ’em all. This is the new augmented reality game created by The Pokémon Company, Nintendo and Niantic Labs.

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Pokémon Go Tips: How To Get Pikachu As Your Starter Pokémon

Pikachu is an all time favorite for Pokémon fans. Everyone gets to choose one out of three Pokémon to start with, namely, Bulbasaur, Charmander or Squirtle. Actually there is a fourth option which is a Pikachu.

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Pokémon Go Tips: How To Get Pokémon Go Now

Pokémon Go was released in the US on July 7. Australia and New Zealand got a 12 hour head start before US. The response is overwhelming causing the servers which the game is running on to be struggling with such high demand.

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Pokémon Go Global Release Paused

Pokémon fans residing outside of US, Austalia, and New Zealand may have to wait a little longer for a global rollout.

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Pokémon Go Released And New Trailer Video

The Pokémon Company and Niantic Labs has released Pokémon Go and to celebrate the release, a new 90 seconds trailer came out which showcase three trainers exploring Los Angeles enjoying the new game.

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New Pokémon Go Gameplay Video!

Pokémon Go are now beta testing in Australia and New Zealand, thanks Darkathion for sharing this amazing gameplay video with us! Now we Continue reading…

How To Register Pokémon GO Beta Field Testing By VPN? (Step By Step Guide)


In this post, we will show you how to register Pokémon GO beta field testing by VPN that are going to test in later of this month! Please Continue reading…