How To Defeat Blastoise In Pokémon Go

Blastoise is a Water type Pokémon with high base defense stats. It is never a wrong choice to place Blastoise as a gym defender.


Here are the strategies and best move set that is super effective on Blastoise.


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How To Defeat Arcanine In Pokémon Go

Arcanine is the highest CP Fire type Pokémon. Combined with its high base attack, there is no wonder why it is on everyones favorite list of Pokémon.


Here are the strategies and best move set that is super effective on Arcanine.


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How To Defeat Vaporeon In Pokémon Go

Vaporeon is one of the strongest Pokémon due to its high stats and moves. It has higher CP and HP compared to other Water type Pokémon which makes Vaporeon good at gym battles.


Here are the strategies and best move set that is super effective on Vaporeon.


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Pikachu Sits On Your Shoulder In Pokémon Go

The latest Pokémon Go update introduces the buddy system which lets you walk around with your favorite Pokémon and together with it came a Pikachu Easter Egg surprise.


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How To Defeat Slowbro In Pokémon Go

Slowbro is a dual Water and Psychic type Pokémon. Currently, there is no Pokémon which is double effective against Slowbro and combined with its high CP, Slowbro is a good defender in gym.


Here are the strategies and best move set that is super effective on Slowbro.


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How To Defeat Gyarados In Pokémon Go

Gyarados is a dual Water and Flying type Pokémon. This flying fossil although does not belong to the Dragon type can actually use Dragon type attacks. That is why it is well worth the 400 candies to evolve a Magikarp. However, Gyarados lose Dragon Breath as its fast attack due to the recent 8/20 update.


Here are the strategies and best move set that is super effective on Gyarados.

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How To Defeat Lapras In Pokémon Go

Lapras is a dual type Water and Ice Pokémon that uses Ice and Dragon type attacks. Having a high HP and CP, Lapras is one of the best defender in gyms. Lapras with Blizzard special attack is undodgeable.


Here are the strategies and best move set that is super effective on Lapras.


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Pokémon Go Events Confirmed And Trainer Battles Coming

In an interview with TechCrunch, Niantic CEO John Hanke confirmed that new Pokémon would be released at official Pokémon Go events. Like in the game’s trailer, trainers would have to work together to defeat and catch really strong Pokémon or perhaps legendaries.


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How To Defeat Exeggutor in Pokémon Go

Exeggutor is a dual type Psychic and Grass Pokémon which is an excellent counter to Water type Pokémon as well as Fighting type Pokémon. That is why Exeggutor is a good gym defender as Water type Pokémon are common.


Here are the strategies and best move set that is super effective on Exeggutor.


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How To Defeat Snorlax In Pokémon Go

Snorlax is one of the best Pokémon as a gym defender. This Pokémon has high HP and combined with Normal type, there are not many weaknesses. Actually there is only one type which has type advantage against Normal type which is Fighting. So how to beat a Snorlax in gyms?


Here are the strategies and best move set that is super effective on Snorlax.


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