Buddy Candy Distance 1km

Buddy Candy Distance Chart for 1km List for Pokémon Go. You need to walk 1km for 1 Candy on these Pokémons, it included Distance and Size for every Pokémon.

#Pokédex PokémonBuddy Distance
Caterpie1 KM
Metapod1 KM
Butterfree1 KM
Weedle1 KM
Kakuna1 KM
Beedrill1 KM
Pidgey1 KM
Pidgeotto1 KM
Pidgeot1 KM
Rattata1 KM
Raticate1 KM
Spearow1 KM
Fearow1 KM
Pikachu1 KM
Raichu1 KM
Clefairy1 KM
Clefable1 KM
Jigglypuff1 KM
Wigglytuff1 KM
Zubat1 KM
Golbat1 KM
Geodude1 KM
Graveler1 KM
Golem1 KM
Magikarp1 KM
Gyarados1 KM