FastPokeMap Will Be Back Within Two Days

FastPokeMap will likely be back online by this weekend. The developer of FPM just tweeted that the last piece of the puzzle has been found. They have fully cracked the new encryption which was released on October 7 by Niantic.


“so everyone should thank elfin on discord, he’s the guy who completed the missing piece of the puzzle.”, FPM developer tweeted. “so now it’s not about bypassing security, it’s about applying the new algorithm to FPM’s old code. which can be a bit tricky. which is why i’m not saying tonight.”


FastPokeMap Will Be Back By This Weekend

Now that the code is fully cracked, FPM will try to bring the Pokémon Go map scanner back online within two days. He wish that everyone will be able to use it during the weekend, so it will most likely be up before it turns Sunday in Japan.


Since the third party developer community started to help in reverse engineering, the crack will be shared with the community as we have reported earlier. This time around, the third party developer community took at least two weeks to crack Niantic’s encryption. During this time, many trainers are frustrated as there is no update from Niantic on any in-game tracker and every third party tracker is pulled down since the update.


Most probably, FastPokeMap will come back online first by this Sunday. Then followed by other trackers like PokeMesh, PokeWhere, PokeAlert, and many more.


Solving the encryption does not however remove the captcha security. FPM will still have to deal with captcha, but according to the developer, this will be easy to bypass. There are two solutions for this. Either FPM will have to pay for services to solve the reCaptcha or prompting FPM users to solve the captcha while using the scanner.