How To Defeat Slowbro In Pokémon Go

Slowbro is a dual Water and Psychic type Pokémon. Currently, there is no Pokémon which is double effective against Slowbro and combined with its high CP, Slowbro is a good defender in gym.


Here are the strategies and best move set that is super effective on Slowbro.



Type(s) Max CP Base Attack Base Defense Base Stamina
Water  Psychic 2597 184 198 190


Which Pokémon is best to take out Slowbro?

Slowbro is a dual Water and Psychic type Pokémon.

Type super effective against Slowbro


Best Pokémon to defeat Slowbro

Electric type attacks are super effective on Water type and could be used to fight Slowbro. However, if we also take Slowbro’s attacks into consideration, there are better options.


Slowbro with Ice Beam special attack

  • Possible move set of Slowbro with Ice Beam special attack.
Fast Attack Special Attack
Water Gun Ice Beam
Confusion Ice Beam
1. Magneton

Ice Beam which is an Ice type attack deals reduced damage to Magneton’s Steel type. Slowbro’s Psychic type fast attack, Confusion is not very effective on Steel type as well.

Magneton which uses Electric type attacks are super effective on Slowbro.

Best move set for Magneton to defeat Slowbro

Fast Attack Special Attack
Thunder Shock Discharge


Slowbro with Water type attacks

  • Possible move set of Slowbro with Water type attack.
Fast Attack Special Attack
Water Gun Water Pulse
1. Venusaur

Grass type Pokémon are super effective against Slowbro that uses pure Water type attacks. Venusaur which uses Vine Whip and Solar Beam can deal extra damage on Slowbro.


Best move set for Venusaur to defeat Slowbro

Fast Attack Special Attack
Vine Whip Solar Beam


Slowbro with Water and Psychic type attacks

  • Possible move set of Slowbro.
Fast Attack Special Attack
Water Gun Psychic
Confusion Ice Beam
Confusion Water Pulse
1. Exeggutor

Both Water and Psychic type attacks are not effective against Exeggutor. Although Exeggutor’s fast attacks which is Psychic type is not very effective on Slowbro, but its Grass type special attacks are super effective.


Best move set for Exeggutor to defeat Slowbro

Fast Attack Special Attack
Confusion / Zen Headbutt Solar Beam