Name | #071 / Victreebel |
About | VICTREEBEL has a long vine that extends from its head. This vine is waved and flicked about as if it were an animal to attract prey. When an unsuspecting prey draws near, this Pokémon swallows it whole. |
Classification | Flycatcher Pokémon |
Type(s) | Grass Poison |
Strength (0.8x) | Water Electric Grass Fighting Fairy |
Weakness (1.25x) | Fire Ice Flying Psychic |
Fast Attack(s) | Acid Poison STAB 10 Damage | Compare |
Razor Leaf Grass STAB 15 Damage | Compare | Special Attack(s) | Sludge Bomb Poison STAB 55 Damage | Compare |
Leaf Blade Grass STAB 55 Damage | Compare | Solar Beam Grass STAB 120 Damage | Compare | Avg Weight | 13.56 kg - 17.44 kg |
Avg Height | 1.49 m - 1.91 m |
Buddy Distance | 3 km |
Base Stamina | 160 stamina points. |
Base Attack | 207 attack points. |
Base Defense | 138 defense points. |
Max CP | 2268 |
Base Flee Rate | 5 % |
Base Catch Rate | 10 % |
2nd Ball Odds | 9.50 % |
Next Evolution Requirements | - |
Next evolution(s) | - |
Images | |