Name | #073 / Tentacruel |
About | TENTACRUEL has large red orbs on its head. The orbs glow before lashing the vicinity with a harsh ultrasonic blast. This Pokémon’s outburst creates rough waves around it. |
Classification | Jellyfish Pokémon |
Type(s) | Water Poison |
Strength (0.8x) | Fire Water Ice Fighting Poison Bug Steel Fairy |
Weakness (1.25x) | Electric Ground Psychic |
Fast Attack(s) | Acid Poison STAB 10 Damage | Compare |
Poison Jab Poison STAB 12 Damage | Compare | Special Attack(s) | Blizzard Ice 100 Damage | Compare |
Hydro Pump Water STAB 90 Damage | Compare | Sludge Wave Poison STAB 70 Damage | Compare | Avg Weight | 48.13 kg - 61.88 kg |
Avg Height | 1.40 m - 1.80 m |
Buddy Distance | 3 km |
Base Stamina | 160 stamina points. |
Base Attack | 166 attack points. |
Base Defense | 237 defense points. |
Max CP | 2374 |
Base Flee Rate | 7 % |
Base Catch Rate | 16 % |
2nd Ball Odds | 14.88 % |
Next Evolution Requirements | - |
Next evolution(s) | - |
Images | |