Niantic is pushing several stealth updates earlier this week. Most of these updates are to combat third party services trying to access Pokémon Go servers. Apart from these security updates, one interesting feature which was first discovered in Reddit, Pokémon seen in gym will count towards the Pokédex now.
Gym Will Update The Pokédex Now
The Pokédex will register it as seen, even if you have not encountered it in the wild before. Some claims that it is unfair to register the Pokémon by just viewing it in the gym, while some others acknowledge that it is logical, since you will definitely see the Pokémon in the gym if you enter into a battle with it. Thus registering the Pokémon in the Pokédex does make sense.
Here’s what the new update means:
- When viewing or fighting in a gym, any Pokémon that you encounter which does not exist in your Pokédex will be added as seen.
- Even region exclusive Pokémon can be added as seen this way.
- This will only add one seen for those Pokémon that haven’t unlock in your Pokédex.
- This is effective today, so any previous action on a gym does not count.