Pokémon Go – The Game Begins At Level 20

At the beginning, everything seems fresh and skips by rather quickly. New trainers will encounter be lots of new Pokémon daily filling up the Pokédex. This is just an introduction to the game, going around capturing Pokémon.


Upon reaching level 20, some will find that the game slowed down and discovery turns to grind. It is not the endgame, but instead is the beginning of the game at this stage. When everything slows down, and you do not gain level every other day, your Pokémon will actually mean a lot more than it does before since you do not have to keep replacing them.


This is the time that you will actually feel competent for gym battles. Unlike the earlier stage where the game throws a lot of new Pokémon to you very quickly, you will value your Pokémon more now as you know which will stick with you for awhile. Finding a new Pokémon or evolving one for the Pokédex will feel more like an accomplishment since you have to really work for it now, saving candies for the evolution.


Even though the game slowed down upon reaching level 20, there are actually more things do now. Gym battles will let you understand more about the game, the strength and weaknesses for each type of Pokémon, and the importance of move set. After all, to be a Pokémaster is to be the very best like no one ever was. Catching Pokémon is a test, training them is the actual cause.


As with Niantic’s style of gaming, there is no true victory as there are more than one way to play the game. Some finds the satisfaction of collecting Pokémon and filling the Pokédex, while some others who are more competitive will be going out to dominate gyms. It will be nice to have a PvP system so that we can battle with our friends. The trading system is in the pipeline too.