How To Defeat Vaporeon In Pokémon Go

Vaporeon is one of the strongest Pokémon due to its high stats and moves. It has higher CP and HP compared to other Water type Pokémon which makes Vaporeon good at gym battles.


Here are the strategies and best move set that is super effective on Vaporeon.



Type(s) Max CP Base Attack Base Defense Base Stamina
Water 2816 186 168 260


Which Pokémon is best to take out Vaporeon?

Vaporeon is a Water type Pokémon.

Type super effective against Vaporeon


Best Pokémon to defeat Vaporeon

1. Venusaur

Since the move set on a Vaporeon are all Water type, Venusaur’s Grass type can reduce the damage of Vaporeon’s attacks. Venusaur with Vine Whip and Solar Beam, both Grass type attacks are super effective on Vaporeon.

Best move set for Venusaur to defeat Vaporeon

Fast Attack Special Attack
Vine Whip Solar Beam


2. Exeggutor

Vaporeon’s Water type attacks are not effective on Exeggutor. Exeggutor’s special attack like Seed Bomb and Solar Beam are super effective on Vaporeon.

Best move set for Exeggutor to defeat Vaporeon

Fast Attack Special Attack
Confusion / Zen Headbutt Solar Beam


3. Tangela

Tangela is like a smaller version of Venusaur and would be equally good against Vaporeon.

Best move set for Tangela to defeat Vaporeon

Fast Attack Special Attack
Vine Whip Solar Beam