Pokémon Go Rolls Out Balance Update On August 20, 2016

Pokémon Go rolls out an unannounced update yesterday bringing several updates mainly for balancing the game.


Increased Spawn Rates

There have been reports of increased spawn rates of uncommon and rare Pokémons. This change is a warm welcome to get out of the monotonous grind of catching Rattata and Pidgey. Reports are also coming in for significant increase of region specific Pokémon. There are four Pokémon which are region based as shown below.

Region Based Pokemon

Region Pokémon
Asia Farfetch’d
Australia Kanghaskhan
Europe Mr. Mime
North America Tauros


The update also made changes to rural areas where it is almost unplayable due to lack of Pokestops and low spawns. This move will make the game not only playable in big cities and trainers will have the chance to explore outside of major cities capturing wild Pokémon as the game is expected to be.


Increased Egg Hatching Speed

It has been reported that the max speed allowed for egg hatching was increased from the previous 10.5 kmph. The distance will be updated more frequently as well, so that trainers may not need to walk in a straight line to obtain best results anymore.


Attack Moves Changes

Contrary to previous update where we have seen some moves have its damage altered, this update mainly focus on move set changes to certain Pokémon. While some Pokémon have one fast/special attack move changed, others had a move completely removed.


Note: This change will only affect newly caught Pokémon, so you want might to hold on to your Gyarados with a Dragon Breath move.

Fast Attack Changes

Pokémon Old Move New Move
Diglett Mud Shot Mud Slap
Dugtrio Mud Shot Mud Slap
Graveler Mud Shot Mud Slap
Golem Mud Shot Mud Slap
Seel Water Gun Lick
Grimer Acid Poison Jab
Muk Acid Lick
Koffing Acid Removed
Weezing Acid Removed
Staryu Quick Attack Tackle
Starmie Quick Attack Tackle
Gyarados Dragon Breath Removed
Porygon Quick Attack Zen Headbutt
Omastar Rock Throw Mud Shot

Special Attack Changes

Pokémon Old Move New Move
Jigglypuff Play Rough Dazzling Gleam
Gengar Sludge Wave Sludge Bomb
Hitmonlee Stomp Brick Break
Chansey Psybeam Hyper Beam
Starmie Psybeam Psychic
Mew Hurricane / Moonblast Blizzard



This update was a server side patch and the changes seems promising as we saw increased spawn rates, increased egg hatching speed, and attack move set changes.