How To Defeat Snorlax In Pokémon Go

Snorlax is one of the best Pokémon as a gym defender. This Pokémon has high HP and combined with Normal type, there are not many weaknesses. Actually there is only one type which has type advantage against Normal type which is Fighting. So how to beat a Snorlax in gyms?


Here are the strategies and best move set that is super effective on Snorlax.


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Top 5 Pokemon Go GLITCHES & TRICKS SECRETS You’ve Never Seen Before!

Pokémon Go Top 5 Glitches Tips & Tricks Secrets You’ve Never Seen In Pokemon Go!

Pokémon Go Will Try To Use Most Of Your Mobile Device Sensor

When you start Pokémon Go App, there is a Sensor Manager by Niantic Labs will check your device for all possible sensors to help you improve the game experience. Those sensors will try to sense your movement, step, location, speed even gravity and gyroscope.

If you are using different device, the data you give them is different, the step calculation is different too. That’s why the hatching egg speed is different time with different device. Because some of the mobile phone or some older phone device do not have so much sensors.

Gravity, Gyroscope, Accelerometer, Magnetic, Rotation, LinearAcceleration Sensors are being detected when the game start.

Here are some of the sample codes:
[code language=”java”]
private void startSensorManager()
if (this.gravity != null)
this.sensorManager.registerListener(this, this.gravity, 3, ContextService.getServiceHandler());
if (this.gyroscope != null)
this.sensorManager.registerListener(this, this.gyroscope, 3, ContextService.getServiceHandler());
if (this.accelerometer != null)
this.sensorManager.registerListener(this, this.accelerometer, 2, ContextService.getServiceHandler());
if (this.magnetic != null)
this.sensorManager.registerListener(this, this.magnetic, 2, ContextService.getServiceHandler());
if (this.rotation != null)
this.sensorManager.registerListener(this, this.rotation, 2, ContextService.getServiceHandler());
if (this.linearAcceleration != null)
this.sensorManager.registerListener(this, this.linearAcceleration, 3, ContextService.getServiceHandler());
this.status = ServiceStatus.INITIALIZED;


How To Defeat Dragonite In Pokémon Go

Dragonite is the second highest CP Pokémon in Pokémon Go, right below Mewtwo. Being in the league of the legendaries, a perfect Dragonite can reach 3500 CP at its max level. Its high CP combined with high base attack value makes it a good defender in gyms. So does Dragonite have any weaknesses? How to defeat this flying dragon?


Here are the strategies and best move set that is super effective on Dragonite.


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Pokémon GO in LEGO World

Watch minifig catching Pikachu as his first Pokémon in the LEGO world.

Source: Dino5500

Pokémon Go 0.37.0 Includes Pokémon Go Plus Support

Pokémon Go’s latest update brings the app to version 1.7.0 for iOS and 0.37.0 for Android. Trainers can walk with their Pokémon and gain candies to help the Pokémon grow further with the new Buddy System.


Another interesting find is Pokémon Go Plus support that came with this update. Here is Niantic’s official announcement for the update.


Pokémon GO is in the process of being updated to version 0.37.0 for Android and 1.7.0 for iOS devices. Below are some release notes and comments from our development team.

  • Implemented Buddy Pokémon: Trainers will now be able to choose one of their Pokémon to be their buddy. A Trainer can earn Candy for their Buddy Pokémon by walking a certain distance.
  • Made it easier to select smaller Pokémon on the screen.
  • Fixed an issue where Eggs would sometimes hatch without displaying the animation.
  • Improved performance reliability when a device switches networks to no longer cause the application to hang or stop updating.
  • Pokémon GO Plus support
  • Minor text fixes.

We continue to focus on eliminating bots and scrapers from Pokémon GO. Rooted or jailbroken devices are not supported by Pokémon GO. Remember to download Pokémon GO from the official Google Play Store or iTunes App Store only.

Pokémon Go 0.37.0 Blocks Rooted Devices

Pokémon Go version 0.37.0 is a solid update with the Buddy System added in. But it is not all good news as rooted Android devices (and jailbroken iOS devices) are now blocked from loading the game.

For those that is unaware, cheating and spoofing your location is rather easy on a rooted Android device. However, I could imagine that a large portion of the people that would be blocked from the game does not cheat but will be blocked nonetheless.

It is unclear how long version 0.35.0 will still work with rooted devices, but sooner or later Niantic will block trainers running pre 0.37.0 from loading the game.

If a rooted Android device tries to load the latest version of Pokémon Go, the following welcome screen will be displayed.


Pokémon Go 0.37.0 Added Buddy System

Pokémon Go has came out with version 0.37.0 for Android and 1.7.0 for iOS and one of the more interesting feature in this update is the Buddy System.


Buddy System

Now you can walk with a Pokémon and get candy of its type while doing so. Just like hatching eggs, rarer Pokémon will need more km registered in order to be rewarded.


How Does The Buddy System Work?

  • Trainers are limited to one buddy Pokémon at any one time
  • Traveling a set distance will be rewarded with a candy of that Pokémon type
    • 1 km
    • 2 km
    • 3 km
  • Pokémon buddy cannot be assigned to gyms
  • There are four different buddy size categories
    • Medium
    • Big
    • Shoulder
    • Flying


Buddy Distance Requirements And Size

The table below shows the distance you need to walk to be rewarded 1 candy of that Pokémon.

No. Name Distance (km) Size
1 Bulbasaur 3 Medium
2 Ivysaur 3 Big
3 Venusaur 3 Big
4 Charmander 3 Medium
5 Charmeleon 3 Medium
6 Charizard 3 Big
7 Squirtle 3 Medium
8 Wartortle 3 Medium
9 Blastoise 3 Big
10 Caterpie 1 Shoulder
11 Metapod 1 Medium
12 Butterfree 1 Flying
13 Weedle 1 Shoulder
14 Kakuna 1 Medium
15 Beedrill 1 Flying
16 Pidgey 1 Shoulder
17 Pidgeotto 1 Flying
18 Pidgeot 1 Flying
19 Rattata 1 Medium
20 Raticate 1 Medium
21 Spearow 1 Shoulder
22 Fearow 1 Flying
23 Ekans 3 Medium
24 Arbok 3 Big
25 Pikachu 1 Shoulder
26 Raichu 1 Medium
27 Sandshrew 3 Medium
28 Sandslash 3 Medium
29 NidoranFemale 3 Medium
30 Nidorina 3 Medium
31 Nidoqueen 3 Big
32 NidoranMale 3 Medium
33 Nidorino 3 Medium
34 Nidoking 3 Big
35 Clefairy 1 Medium
36 Clefable 1 Big
37 Vulpix 3 Medium
38 Ninetales 3 Big
39 Jigglypuff 1 Medium
40 Wigglytuff 1 Big
41 Zubat 1 Flying
42 Golbat 1 Flying
43 Oddish 3 Medium
44 Gloom 3 Medium
45 Vileplume 3 Big
46 Paras 3 Medium
47 Parasect 3 Medium
48 Venonat 3 Medium
49 Venomoth 3 Flying
50 Diglett 3 Medium
51 Dugtrio 3 Big
52 Meowth 3 Medium
53 Persian 3 Medium
54 Psyduck 3 Medium
55 Golduck 3 Big
56 Mankey 3 Medium
57 Primeape 3 Big
58 Growlithe 3 Medium
59 Arcanine 3 Big
60 Poliwag 3 Medium
61 Poliwhirl 3 Big
62 Poliwrath 3 Big
63 Abra 3 Medium
64 Kadabra 3 Big
65 Alakazam 3 Big
66 Machop 3 Medium
67 Machoke 3 Big
68 Machamp 3 Big
69 Bellsprout 3 Medium
70 Weepinbell 3 Big
71 Victreebel 3 Big
72 Tentacool 3 Medium
73 Tentacruel 3 Big
74 Geodude 1 Medium
75 Graveler 1 Big
76 Golem 1 Big
77 Ponyta 3 Medium
78 Rapidash 3 Big
79 Slowpoke 3 Medium
80 Slowbro 3 Big
81 Magnemite 3 Flying
82 Magneton 3 Big
83 Farfetchd 3 Medium
84 Doduo 3 Medium
85 Dodrio 3 Big
86 Seel 3 Medium
87 Dewgong 3 Medium
88 Grimer 3 Medium
89 Muk 3 Big
90 Shellder 3 Medium
91 Cloyster 3 Big
92 Gastly 3 Flying
93 Haunter 3 Flying
94 Gengar 3 Big
95 Onix 5 Big
96 Drowzee 3 Big
97 Hypno 3 Big
98 Krabby 3 Medium
99 Kingler 3 Big
100 Voltorb 3 Medium
101 Electrode 3 Big
102 Exeggcute 3 Medium
103 Exeggutor 3 Big
104 Cubone 3 Medium
105 Marowak 3 Medium
106 Hitmonlee 5 Big
107 Hitmonchan 5 Big
108 Lickitung 3 Medium
109 Koffing 3 Big
110 Weezing 3 Big
111 Rhyhorn 3 Big
112 Rhydon 3 Big
113 Chansey 5 Big
114 Tangela 3 Medium
115 Kangaskhan 3 Big
116 Horsea 3 Medium
117 Seadra 3 Big
118 Goldeen 3 Medium
119 Seaking 3 Big
120 Staryu 3 Medium
121 Starmie 3 Big
122 Mr. Mime 5 Medium
123 Scyther 5 Big
124 Jynx 5 Big
125 Electabuzz 5 Medium
126 Magmar 5 Big
127 Pinsir 5 Big
128 Tauros 3 Big
129 Magikarp 1 Medium
130 Gyarados 1 Big
131 Lapras 5 Big
132 Ditto 3 Medium
133 Eevee 5 Shoulder
134 Vaporeon 5 Medium
135 Jolteon 5 Medium
136 Flareon 5 Medium
137 Porygon 3 Big
138 Omanyte 5 Medium
139 Omastar 5 Big
140 Kabuto 5 Medium
141 Kabutops 5 Big
142 Aerodactyl 5 Big
143 Snorlax 5 Big
144 Articuno 5 Flying
145 Zapdos 5 Flying
146 Moltres 5 Big
147 Dratini 5 Medium
148 Dragonair 5 Big
149 Dragonite 5 Big
150 Mewtwo 5 Big
151 Mew 5 Medium

Fix For Pokémon Go Gym Error

Gym battle in Pokémon Go is the core feature for multiplayer gameplay. But isn’t it disappointing when you try to enter a battle only to be greeted by an error message?

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Real Exeggutor found by trainer in Bangkok

Exeggutor is existing in the real world !! It  found by a trainer name Kolf in Bangkok.

Exeggutor originally came from the tropics. It heads steadily grow larger from exposure to strong sunlight. It is said that when the heads fall off, they group together to form Exeggcute.