Pokémon Go Japan has announced on its official Twitter account that a Lapras event has started. Lapras spawn has increased more than usual at Tohoku region in the coastal area of Iwate Prefecture, Miyagi Prefecture, and Fukushima Prefecture.
Pokémon Go Lapras Event
It has been confirmed that the probability of encountering Lapras in Tohoku region has increased considerably. Players in Japan are tweeting pictures of how the event looks like.
According to the announcement from Pokémon Go Japan, the event will run from November 11th till November 23rd.
The official tweet:
皆さんにお知らせです。岩手県、宮城県、福島県の沿岸部でラプラスが出現しやすくなっていることが確認されました。この現象は11/23まで続くようです。東北の今を感じる旅に是非おでかけください!きっとPokémon GO以外でも素敵な発見がたくさんあると思います。 pic.twitter.com/1VPBngRU6v
— Pokémon GO Japan (@PokemonGOAppJP) November 11, 2016
We tried our best to translate it to English:
We confirmed that the frequency to encounter Lapras has been increased in the coastal area of Iwate, Miyagi, and Fukushima prefecture. The phenomenon will continue until 23 Nov.
It’s time to travel there where you can experience Tohoku district! We believe that you can find a lot of awesome things besides Pokémon GO.
These areas were affected by tsunami in 2011. It is a good step by Niantic to encourage people to travel to Tohoku region to catch Lapras while enjoying the coastal scenery.