Pokémon Go Pro Tips – 5 Huge Secrets For 100% Accurate Pokeballs, Animation Cancel, And More

Pokémon Go tips are everywhere, but some tricks will actually enhance your gaming experience. YouTuber Unlike Aik is sharing the top 5 secrets you might not know in Pokémon Go.



1. Navigation

Menu Slide

There are shortcuts in Pokémon Go which will help you go to the menu easier. In the main screen, you can tap and hold on the Pokéball then slide to your desired menu. Apart from saving you some tapping time, sliding is much easier once you are used to it.


Nearby Slide


Once you have opened the Sightings, you can slide the nearby list up and down. This is especially helpful when you want to quickly check the surroundings and do not want to close the sightings for any reason.


Pokémon Go Landscape Mode

There is a little trick which will allow you to play Pokémon Go in landscape mode.

  • Open Pokémon Go by holding your phone horizontally.
  • Then head over to settings and select “Report High-Priority Issue”.
  • Let the webpage load, then hit the home button.
  • Launch Pokémon Go again.
  • Enjoy Pokémon Go in landscape mode.


2. How To Throw Poké Ball

The “L” Throw


The “L” Throw technique will ensure a 100% accuracy of every Poké Ball throw. This will be especially useful when you are having a hard time aiming at those distant Zubats. But the drawback is that it will be hard to get great and excellent throw bonus.


Target Ring

A Target Ring will appear around the Pokémon. The ring’s color indicates the difficulty level of capturing the Pokémon. A green ring indicates the capture is low difficulty, orange indicates intermediate difficulty, and red indicates extreme difficulty. You have the greatest chance of capturing the Pokémon while the colored ring is at its smallest diameter. At the opportune moment, fling the Poké Ball toward the Pokémon.

Ring Color Capture Rate
Green 66% to 100%
Yellow 36% to 65%
Orange 26% to 35%
Red 0% to 25%

You can read more about target ring and catch mechanics here.


3. Know Your Pokémon

Pokémon Type

In battle, some Pokémon are more effective against certain Pokémon. So it is important to know your Pokémon type. To make it easier, we have made an effectiveness chart for your easy reference.

Pokémon Go Effectiveness Chart



Pokémon IV

Every Pokémon has a different base stats, and Individual Value (IV) which is like a hidden stats. There is a range for 0 to 15 for a Pokémon’s attack, defense, and stamina.


The in-game appraisal system will roughly let you know how good your Pokémon is. But there are tools which will help you calculate the exact IV of a Pokémon. This will help you determine where your Pokémon specializes in. Maybe it is a better attacker or defender. Maybe it is good at both. That is why you have to know.

IV Calculator



3. Save Time

Animation Cancel

I am sure some of you would have accidentally canceled an egg animation before. If you like to hatch many eggs together, this animation cancel will help you save time and you don’t have to go through every egg hatching animation.


The trick is simple. As the egg is hatching, use two fingers to pinch zoom. This will cancel the egg hatching animation. You can check in your journal on what Pokémon you have hatched.


Cancel Pokéstop

Most of you should have already known this. Once you spin a Pokéstop, you can directly hit the “X” to collect the items. No need to pop each bubble to collect the items.


Cancel Evolution Animation

Previously, the evolution animation will take around 25 seconds. Since the latest update, the animation time has been reduced to 20 seconds.


One of the usual trick to cancel the evolution animation is to close the app once the animation starts. When you launch Pokémon Go again, the animation will no longer be there. Only way for this trick to be helpful is when your app can open in less than 20 seconds. This is also one of the trick that people use for mass evolving with a lucky egg.


5. Play

This might sound like a very obvious tip. But as your trainer level increases, you will be able to catch higher level Pokémon in the wild. Higher level trainer will be able to power-up their Pokémon more as well. So basically, how good your Pokémon is directly correlates to how high your trainer level is.


The trainer level determines the egg level when found and wild Pokémon encounters. So a level 14 trainer will only be able to find level 14 eggs and encounter level 14 wild Pokémon. There is a cap for eggs and wild Pokémon level which is level 20 and 30 respectively.


The more you play, the more eggs you will hatch and you will get more candies and stardust. So the most important is to go out and play more if you want to be better. Gotta catch ’em all!