Ever wondered what makes a Pokémon tick? Artist Christopher Stoll brings us the PokeNatomy, perhaps this belongs in the science text book of the Pokémon universe.
#25 Pikachu Anatomy
#07 Squirtle Anatomy
#102 Exeggcute Anatomy
#123 Scyther Anatomy
#04 Charmander Anatomy
#01 Bulbasaur Anatomy
#63 Abra Anatomy
#129 Magikarp Anatomy
#116 Horsea Anatomy
#131 Lapras Anatomy
#43 Oddish Anatomy
#120 Staryu Anatomy
#100 Voltorb Anatomy
#109 Koffing Anatomy
#39 Jigglypuff Anatomy
#19 Rattata Anatomy
Source: Christopher Stoll’s PokeNatomy