How To Defeat Charizard In Pokémon Go

Both Charizard and Arcanine are high CP Fire type Pokémon. Combined with its high base attack, it is not easy to defeat Charizard without some type advantage.


Here are the strategies and best move set that is super effective on Charizard.


Type(s) Max CP Base Attack Base Defense Base Stamina
Fire  Flying 2602 212 182 156


Which Pokémon is best to take out Charizard?

Charizard is a dual Fire and Flying type Pokémon and to defeat Charizard, we will need type advantage since it has high CP.

Type super effective against Charizard


Expected Charizard’s move set

  • The combination of Wing Attack and Fire Blast is considered to be the best move set for a Charizard that is used for attacking.
Fast Attack Special Attack
Wing Attack Fire Blast
  • The combination of Ember and Fire Blast is considered the best move set for a Charizard to defend gyms.
Fast Attack Special Attack
Ember Fire Blast


Best Pokémon to defeat Charizard

1. Vaporeon

When Charizard’s attacks are Ember and Fire Blast, both Fire type attacks, Vaporeon is ideal to take down Charizard. Fire attacks are not effective on Vaporeon, but Vaporeon’s moves are super effective on Charizard.

Best move set for Vaporeon to defeat Charizard

Fast Attack Special Attack
Water Gun Hydro Pump


2. Golem

If Charizard’s fast attack is Wing Attack, a Normal type attack, then Golem would be a better choice since both Normal and Fire type attacks are not effective on Golem. Golem which uses Rock type attacks are super effective on Charizard.

Best move set for Golem to defeat Charizard

Fast Attack Special Attack
Rock Throw Stone Edge


3. Omastar

Omastar which is a dual Rock and Water type Pokémon can reduce damage from Charizard’s attacks. Additionally, Omastar’s attacks are super effective on Charizard.

Best move set for Omastar to defeat Charizard

Fast Attack Special Attack
Water Gun Hydro Pump