What Type Beats Mr. Mime in Pokémon Go

What moves are good against Mr. Mime? Find out the moves that are Super Effective Against Mr. Mime and will assist you to beat Mr. Mime easily. These moves will have type advantage and since Mr. Mime is weak against these type of moves, it will deal the Most Damage to Mr. Mime.

Fast Attack That Against Mr. Mime

Move NameTypeDamageDPSMove LengthDamage Length
AcidPoison109.521050 ms200 ms
Poison JabPoison1211.431050 ms200 ms
Poison StingPoison610.43575 ms200 ms
LickGhost510.00500 ms200 ms
Shadow ClawGhost1111.58950 ms200 ms
Bullet PunchSteel108.331200 ms200 ms
Metal ClawSteel812.70630 ms200 ms
Steel WingSteel1511.281330 ms200 ms

Charge Attack That Against Mr. Mime

Move NameTypeDamageDPSMove LengthDamage Length
Cross PoisonPoison2516.671500 ms300 ms
Gunk ShotPoison6521.673000 ms400 ms
Poison FangPoison2510.422400 ms200 ms
SludgePoison3011.542600 ms500 ms
Sludge BombPoison5521.152600 ms500 ms
Sludge WavePoison7020.593400 ms900 ms
Ominous WindGhost309.683100 ms250 ms
Shadow BallGhost4514.613080 ms300 ms
Flash CannonSteel6015.383900 ms1100 ms
Iron HeadSteel3015.002000 ms250 ms
Magnet BombSteel3010.712800 ms550 ms