What Type Beats Electabuzz in Pokémon Go

What moves are good against Electabuzz? Find out the moves that are Super Effective Against Electabuzz and will assist you to beat Electabuzz easily. These moves will have type advantage and since Electabuzz is weak against these type of moves, it will deal the Most Damage to Electabuzz.

Fast Attack That Against Electabuzz

Move NameTypeDamageDPSMove LengthDamage Length
Mud ShotGround610.91550 ms200 ms
Mud SlapGround1511.111350 ms200 ms

Charge Attack That Against Electabuzz

Move NameTypeDamageDPSMove LengthDamage Length
Bone ClubGround2515.631600 ms250 ms
BulldozeGround3510.293400 ms1100 ms
DigGround7012.075800 ms400 ms
Drill RunGround5014.713400 ms700 ms
EarthquakeGround10023.814200 ms1950 ms
Mud BombGround3011.542600 ms450 ms