What Type Beats Dratini in Pokémon Go

What moves are good against Dratini? Find out the moves that are Super Effective Against Dratini and will assist you to beat Dratini easily. These moves will have type advantage and since Dratini is weak against these type of moves, it will deal the Most Damage to Dratini.

Fast Attack That Against Dratini

Move NameTypeDamageDPSMove LengthDamage Length
Frost BreathIce911.11810 ms200 ms
Ice ShardIce1510.711400 ms200 ms
Dragon BreathDragon612.00500 ms200 ms

Charge Attack That Against Dratini

Move NameTypeDamageDPSMove LengthDamage Length
BlizzardIce10025.643900 ms0 ms
Ice BeamIce6517.813650 ms1350 ms
Ice PunchIce4512.863500 ms1100 ms
Icy WindIce256.583800 ms700 ms
Dragon ClawDragon3523.331500 ms200 ms
Dragon PulseDragon6518.063600 ms1200 ms
TwisterDragon259.262700 ms1750 ms
Dazzling GleamFairy5513.104200 ms800 ms
Disarming VoiceFairy256.413900 ms1800 ms
Draining KissFairy258.932800 ms100 ms
MoonblastFairy8520.734100 ms600 ms
Play RoughFairy5518.972900 ms1300 ms