What Type Beats Aerodactyl in Pokémon Go

What moves are good against Aerodactyl? Find out the moves that are Super Effective Against Aerodactyl and will assist you to beat Aerodactyl easily. These moves will have type advantage and since Aerodactyl is weak against these type of moves, it will deal the Most Damage to Aerodactyl.

Fast Attack That Against Aerodactyl

Move NameTypeDamageDPSMove LengthDamage Length
BubbleWater2510.872300 ms200 ms
SplashWater00.001230 ms200 ms
Water GunWater612.00500 ms200 ms
SparkElectric710.00700 ms200 ms
Thunder ShockElectric58.33600 ms200 ms
Frost BreathIce911.11810 ms200 ms
Ice ShardIce1510.711400 ms200 ms
Rock ThrowRock128.821360 ms200 ms
Bullet PunchSteel108.331200 ms200 ms
Metal ClawSteel812.70630 ms200 ms
Steel WingSteel1511.281330 ms200 ms

Charge Attack That Against Aerodactyl

Move NameTypeDamageDPSMove LengthDamage Length
Aqua JetWater2510.642350 ms400 ms
Aqua TailWater4519.152350 ms200 ms
BrineWater2510.422400 ms350 ms
Bubble BeamWater3010.342900 ms200 ms
Hydro PumpWater9023.683800 ms2100 ms
ScaldWater5513.754000 ms2100 ms
Water PulseWater3510.613300 ms1000 ms
DischargeElectric3514.002500 ms700 ms
ThunderElectric10023.264300 ms1550 ms
Thunder PunchElectric4016.672400 ms250 ms
ThunderboltElectric5520.372700 ms800 ms
BlizzardIce10025.643900 ms0 ms
Ice BeamIce6517.813650 ms1350 ms
Ice PunchIce4512.863500 ms1100 ms
Icy WindIce256.583800 ms700 ms
Ancient PowerRock359.723600 ms350 ms
Power GemRock4013.792900 ms800 ms
Rock SlideRock5015.633200 ms1400 ms
Rock TombRock308.823400 ms900 ms
Stone EdgeRock8025.813100 ms400 ms
Flash CannonSteel6015.383900 ms1100 ms
Iron HeadSteel3015.002000 ms250 ms
Magnet BombSteel3010.712800 ms550 ms