
Potions let you heal Pokémon, restoring HP lost during battle. It is an item you can find quite easily at Pokestops once you reach level 5 and as your trainer reaches higher levels, more effective Potions will be unlocked.




Unlock At Description
Trainer Level 5 A spray-type medicine for treating wounds. It restores the HP of one Pokémon by 20 points.


Super Potion


Unlock At Description
Trainer Level 10 A spray-type medicine for treating wounds. It restores the HP of one Pokémon by 50 points.


Hyper Potion


Unlock At Description
Trainer Level 15 A spray-type medicine for treating wounds. It restores the HP of one Pokémon by 200 points.


Max Potion


Unlock At Description
Trainer Level 25 A spray-type medicine for treating wounds. It restores full HP of one Pokémon.


How to Obtain Potion

Potions could be obtained quite easily from Pokestops and given as bonus item when you level up once you reach level 5. There are more effective Potions available at higher levels.