Item Guides


While only Razz Berry are obtainable at the moment, few other berries are detected in the apk like Bluk Berry, Nanab Berry, Wepar Berry and Pinap Berry.


Egg Incubator

Hatching eggs is the best way to catch ’em all. You should always use your Egg Incubator and have an Egg in the Orange Egg Incubator at all times.

Egg Incubator


Incense attracts Pokémon to the trainer’s location for 30 minutes. The effect will stack with Lure Module and increase the frequency of encountering Pokémon.


Lucky Egg

Evolving a Pokémon gives 500 XP, making it a perfect action to be used together with the Lucky Egg’s double XP when evolving lots of common Pokémon.

Lucky Egg

Lure Module

Lure Module attracts Pokémon to a Pokestop for 30 minutes. The effect benefits other people nearby.

Lure Module

Poké Balls

Poké Ball is the most used item by trainers in Pokémon Go for catching Pokémon. There are four types of Poké Ball. Great Ball, Ultra Ball, and Master Ball.

Poké Balls


Potions let you heal Pokémon, restoring HP lost during battle. It is an item you can find quite easily at Pokestops once you reach level 5.



Revive is unlocked at level 5 and will heal a fainted Pokémon back to half health. Max Revive will fully heal a fainted Pokémon’s max health.


Storage Upgrades

Bag Upgrade and Storage Upgrade will increase the number of items and Pokémon that you can carry respectively.

Storage Upgrades