Pokémon Go Gen 2 – Start Saving Candies For These 11 Pokémon

Pokémon Go Gen 2 is in the pipeline, and there are information about it every now and then while the development is in process. What do we have to prepare before its official release? The good news is that some of the Gen 1 Pokémon will be able to be evolved to a stronger Gen 2 Pokémon once it is released.


We will list down the Pokémon that you would want to collect candies now and will be able to evolve once Gen 2 arrives. So let’s get started.

Credit: Unlike Aik


Eevee   Espeon and Umbreon

Joining with the Eevee brothers, Flareon, Jolteon, and Vaporeon, we have Espeon and Umbreon, two of Eevee’s more powerful evolutions. Eevee is one of the best Pokémon in Gen 1 which only costs 25 candies to evolve.


We believe that the same naming trick will be used for evolving Espeon and Umbreon. We will keep an eye out for any new Eevee Easter Egg. For the time being, just note Espeon and Umbreon’s trainers from the anime:


Eevee evolution should still cost 25 candies seeing that it is a second stage evolution.


Zubat    Golbat    Crobat

Crobat is the third evolution of Zubat, which is a pain to catch. Seeing that it is a third evolution, this common Pokémon should receive some minor buff and the evolution should cost 100 candies.


Oddish    Gloom    Belossom

Belossom is the third evolution of Oddish, sitting on the same rank with Vileplume. At the moment, there are no info on whether there is an option to choose the evolution outcome, or perhaps the final evolution result will be random like evolving Eevee. Since it is a third stage evolution, the evolution should cost 100 candies.


Horsea    Seadra    Kingdra

Kingdra is another new third evolution Pokémon, that is evolved from Seadra, and Seadra is an evolved form of Horsea. Seadra which is considered weak compared to other Water Pokémon could really use some buff and Kingdra is a dual Water and Dragon type Pokémon with good all around stats.


Seeing that Kingdra is a third stage evolution, the evolution should cost 100 candies.


Poliwag    Poliwhirl    Politoed

Politoed is another evolution of Poliwhirl, same as Poliwrath. This third evolution Pokémon will set you back 100 candies. So start saving now.


Scyther   Scizor

Scyther really needs a buff. Bug type Pokémon are really weak at Gen 1. Scizor which is evolved from Scyther is a dual Bug and Steel type Pokémon that is immune to poison with very good attack and defense stats. This is a second stage evolution Pokémon and should cost you 50 candies for the evolution.


Onix   Steelix

Onix is another disappointment for generation 1. The evolved version, Steelix is a dual Steel and Ground type with amazing defensive stats. Since this is a second stage evolution, you will probably need 50 candies to do the job.


Slowpoke   Slowking

Similar to Slowbro, Slowking is another outcome of Slowpoke evolution. Seeing that it is a second stage evolution, it should cost 50 candies to evolve Slowking.


Chansey   Blissey

Blissey is Chansey’s evolved form. We know how difficult it is to get Blissey, and your biggest bet is to hatch it from a 10km egg. If you are holding on to one now, buddy walking it now should yield you enough candies for its evolution which should cost 50 candies. It is not really strong but will help you in filling the Pokédex.


Porygon   Porygon2

Porygon2 is no other than an evolution of Porygon, another extremely rare Pokémon. This second stage evolution Pokémon will cost you 50 candies.