Arcanine is the highest CP Fire type Pokémon. Combined with its high base attack, there is no wonder why it is on everyones favorite list of Pokémon.
Here are the strategies and best move set that is super effective on Arcanine.
Type(s) | Max CP | Base Attack | Base Defense | Base Stamina |
Fire | 2984 | 230 | 180 | 180 |
Which Pokémon is best to take out Arcanine?
Arcanine is a Fire type Pokémon and to defeat Arcanine, we will need type advantage since it has high CP.
Type super effective against Arcanine
Expected Arcanine’s move set
- The combination of Bite and Fire Blast is considered to be the best move set for a Arcanine that is used for attacking.
Fast Attack | Special Attack |
Bite | Fire Blast |
- The combination of Fire Fang and Fire Blast is considered the best move set for a Arcanine to defend gyms.
Fast Attack | Special Attack |
Fire Fang | Fire Blast |
Best Pokémon to defeat Arcanine
1. Vaporeon
Water type is super effective against Arcanine and Vaporeon is the best Water type Pokémon due to its high CP and HP. Arcanine’s attack is not effective on Vaporeon.
Best move set for Vaporeon to defeat Arcanine
Fast Attack | Special Attack |
Water Gun | Hydro Pump |
2. Poliwrath
Poliwrath with Bubble and Hydro Pump is super effective against Arcanine and at the same time can reduce the Fire type damage dealt by Arcanine since Poliwrath is Water type.
Best move set for Poliwrath to defeat Arcanine
Fast Attack | Special Attack |
Bubble | Hydro Pump |
3. Golem
Arcanine’s Fire type attack is not effective on Golem’s Rock type but Golem’s Rock and Ground type attacks are super effective on Arcanine.
Best move set for Golem to defeat Arcanine
Fast Attack | Special Attack |
Mud Slap | Stone Edge |
4. Gyarados
When Arcanine’s special attack is the Ground type attack Bulldoze, Gyarados would be a better choice to fight Arcanine. Ground type attack is not effective on Flying type but Gyarados’ Water type attack is super effective on Arcanine.
Best move set for Gyarados to defeat Arcanine
Fast Attack | Special Attack |
Bite | Hydro Pump |