How To Defeat Snorlax In Pokémon Go

Snorlax is one of the best Pokémon as a gym defender. This Pokémon has high HP and combined with Normal type, there are not many weaknesses. Actually there is only one type which has type advantage against Normal type which is Fighting. So how to beat a Snorlax in gyms?


Here are the strategies and best move set that is super effective on Snorlax.



Type(s) Max CP Base Attack Base Defense Base Stamina
Normal 3113 180 180 320


Which Pokémon is best to take out Snorlax?

Snorlax is a Normal type Pokémon and Normal type only has one weakness.

Type super effective against Snorlax


Best Pokémon to defeat Snorlax

Since we know Fighting type Pokémon is super effective against Snorlax, there are a few Pokémon which will fit this category and would be effective against Snorlax. However, Snorlax could have a Psychic attack (Zen Headbutt) which is super effective against Fighting type. So the best Pokémon to defeat Snorlax will depend largely on Snorlax’s fast attack.


Snorlax with Lick fast attack

A Snorlax with Lick fast attack and Body Slam special attack is the optimal move set as an attacker. Since these are not Psychic type attacks, Fighting type Pokémon could be used to defeat this type of Snorlax.

1. Machamp

Machamp with Karate Chop and Cross Chop is the best move set to defeat Snorlax. Since both attacks are Fighting type, it will be super effective on Snorlax.

Best move set for Machamp to defeat Snorlax

Fast Attack Special Attack
Karate Chop Cross Chop


2. Primeape

Primeape with Low Kick and Cross Chop would be equally good to defeat Snorlax. Both of these attacks are Fighting type and is super effective on Snorlax.

Best move set for Primeape to defeat Snorlax

Fast Attack Special Attack
Low Kick Cross Chop


3. Hitmonchan

Hitmonchan with Rock Smash and Ice Punch is the best move set to defeat Snorlax. Rock Smash is a Fighting type move and would be super effective on Snorlax.

Best move set for Hitmonchan to defeat Snorlax

Fast Attack Special Attack
Rock Smash Ice Punch


Snorlax with Zen Headbutt fast attack

A Snorlax with Zen Headbutt fast attack and Hyper Beam special attack is the optimal move set as a defender. Zen Headbutt is a Psychic type attack and would be super effective against Fighting type. Machamp, Primeape, and Hitmonchan are not the best for fighting with this type of Snorlax.

1. Rhydon

Rhydon can reduce Snorlax’s Normal type special attacks since it is a Rock type Pokémon. At the same time, Rhydon’s Rock Smash fast attack which is Fighting type is super effective on Snorlax.

Best move set for Rhydon to defeat Snorlax

Fast Attack Special Attack
Rock Smash Stone Edge