What Pokémon are good against Rhyhorn? These Pokémon either has type advantage against Rhyhorn or moves that are Super Effective against Rhyhorn.
Rhyhorn with Fighting Ground Attacks
Fast Attack | Type | Special Attack | Type |
Rock Smash | Fighting | Bulldoze STAB | Ground |
Recommended to use :
# | Pokémon | Max CP | Fast Attack | DPS | Attack | Defence | |
001 | Bulbasaur | 981 | Vine Whip Grass STAB | 21.00 | Super Effective x1.95 | Not Very Effective x0.8 | |
002 | Ivysaur | 1552 | Razor Leaf Grass STAB | 20.16 | Super Effective x1.95 | Not Very Effective x0.8 | |
002 | Ivysaur | 1552 | Vine Whip Grass STAB | 21.00 | Super Effective x1.95 | Not Very Effective x0.8 | |
003 | Venusaur | 2568 | Razor Leaf Grass STAB | 20.16 | Super Effective x1.95 | Not Very Effective x0.8 | |
003 | Venusaur | 2568 | Vine Whip Grass STAB | 21.00 | Super Effective x1.95 | Not Very Effective x0.8 | |
007 | Squirtle | 808 | Bubble Water STAB | 21.20 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1 | |
008 | Wartortle | 1324 | Water Gun Water STAB | 23.40 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1 | |
009 | Blastoise | 2291 | Water Gun Water STAB | 23.40 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1 | |
017 | Pidgeotto | 1085 | Steel Wing Steel | 14.10 | x1.25 | x1 | |
018 | Pidgeot | 1994 | Steel Wing Steel | 14.10 | x1.25 | x1 | |
022 | Fearow | 1814 | Steel Wing Steel | 14.10 | x1.25 | x1 | |
027 | Sandshrew | 1194 | Mud Shot Ground STAB | 17.02 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
028 | Sandslash | 2328 | Mud Shot Ground STAB | 17.02 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
028 | Sandslash | 2328 | Metal Claw Steel | 15.88 | x1.25 | x1 | |
043 | Oddish | 1069 | Razor Leaf Grass STAB | 20.16 | Super Effective x1.95 | Not Very Effective x0.8 | |
044 | Gloom | 1512 | Razor Leaf Grass STAB | 20.16 | Super Effective x1.95 | Not Very Effective x0.8 | |
045 | Vileplume | 2367 | Razor Leaf Grass STAB | 20.16 | Super Effective x1.95 | Not Very Effective x0.8 | |
050 | Diglett | 465 | Mud Slap Ground STAB | 17.33 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
051 | Dugtrio | 1333 | Mud Slap Ground STAB | 17.33 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
054 | Psyduck | 966 | Water Gun Water STAB | 23.40 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1 | |
055 | Golduck | 2270 | Water Gun Water STAB | 23.40 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1 | |
056 | Mankey | 1002 | Karate Chop Fighting STAB | 11.70 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
057 | Primeape | 2105 | Karate Chop Fighting STAB | 11.70 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
057 | Primeape | 2105 | Low Kick Fighting STAB | 12.99 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
060 | Poliwag | 695 | Bubble Water STAB | 21.20 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1 | |
060 | Poliwag | 695 | Mud Shot Ground | 13.64 | x1.25 | x1 | |
061 | Poliwhirl | 1313 | Bubble Water STAB | 21.20 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1 | |
061 | Poliwhirl | 1313 | Mud Shot Ground | 13.64 | x1.25 | x1 | |
062 | Poliwrath | 2441 | Bubble Water STAB | 21.20 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1 | |
062 | Poliwrath | 2441 | Mud Shot Ground | 13.64 | x1.25 | x1 | |
066 | Machop | 1199 | Karate Chop Fighting STAB | 11.70 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
066 | Machop | 1199 | Low Kick Fighting STAB | 12.99 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
067 | Machoke | 1910 | Karate Chop Fighting STAB | 11.70 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
067 | Machoke | 1910 | Low Kick Fighting STAB | 12.99 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
068 | Machamp | 2889 | Karate Chop Fighting STAB | 11.70 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
068 | Machamp | 2889 | Bullet Punch Steel | 10.41 | x1.25 | x1 | |
069 | Bellsprout | 916 | Vine Whip Grass STAB | 21.00 | Super Effective x1.95 | Not Very Effective x0.8 | |
070 | Weepinbell | 1475 | Razor Leaf Grass STAB | 20.16 | Super Effective x1.95 | Not Very Effective x0.8 | |
071 | Victreebel | 2268 | Razor Leaf Grass STAB | 20.16 | Super Effective x1.95 | Not Very Effective x0.8 | |
072 | Tentacool | 956 | Bubble Water STAB | 21.20 | Super Effective x1.95 | Not Very Effective x0.8 | |
075 | Graveler | 1815 | Mud Slap Ground STAB | 17.33 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
076 | Golem | 2916 | Mud Slap Ground STAB | 17.33 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
078 | Rapidash | 2252 | Low Kick Fighting | 10.41 | x1.25 | x1 | |
079 | Slowpoke | 1204 | Water Gun Water STAB | 23.40 | Super Effective x1.95 | Not Very Effective x0.8 | |
080 | Slowbro | 2482 | Water Gun Water STAB | 23.40 | Super Effective x1.95 | Not Very Effective x0.8 | |
085 | Dodrio | 2138 | Steel Wing Steel | 14.10 | x1.25 | x1 | |
086 | Seel | 899 | Ice Shard Ice | 13.39 | x1.25 | x1 | |
087 | Dewgong | 1894 | Frost Breath Ice STAB | 17.33 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
087 | Dewgong | 1894 | Ice Shard Ice STAB | 16.71 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
088 | Grimer | 1269 | Mud Slap Ground | 13.89 | x1.25 | Not Very Effective x0.8 | |
090 | Shellder | 958 | Ice Shard Ice | 13.39 | x1.25 | x1 | |
091 | Cloyster | 2475 | Frost Breath Ice STAB | 17.33 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
091 | Cloyster | 2475 | Ice Shard Ice STAB | 16.71 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
098 | Krabby | 1386 | Bubble Water STAB | 21.20 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1 | |
098 | Krabby | 1386 | Mud Shot Ground | 13.64 | x1.25 | x1 | |
099 | Kingler | 2694 | Mud Shot Ground | 13.64 | x1.25 | x1 | |
099 | Kingler | 2694 | Metal Claw Steel | 15.88 | x1.25 | x1 | |
104 | Cubone | 943 | Rock Smash Fighting | 13.30 | x1.25 | x1 | |
104 | Cubone | 943 | Mud Slap Ground STAB | 17.33 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
105 | Marowak | 1691 | Rock Smash Fighting | 13.30 | x1.25 | x1 | |
105 | Marowak | 1691 | Mud Slap Ground STAB | 17.33 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
106 | Hitmonlee | 2406 | Low Kick Fighting STAB | 12.99 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
106 | Hitmonlee | 2406 | Rock Smash Fighting STAB | 16.60 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
107 | Hitmonchan | 2098 | Rock Smash Fighting STAB | 16.60 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
107 | Hitmonchan | 2098 | Bullet Punch Steel | 10.41 | x1.25 | x1 | |
111 | Rhyhorn | 1679 | Mud Slap Ground STAB | 17.33 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
112 | Rhydon | 3300 | Mud Slap Ground STAB | 17.33 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
114 | Tangela | 2208 | Vine Whip Grass STAB | 21.00 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1 | |
116 | Horsea | 921 | Bubble Water STAB | 21.20 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1 | |
116 | Horsea | 921 | Water Gun Water STAB | 23.40 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1 | |
117 | Seadra | 1979 | Water Gun Water STAB | 23.40 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1 | |
118 | Goldeen | 1006 | Mud Shot Ground | 13.64 | x1.25 | x1 | |
120 | Staryu | 926 | Water Gun Water STAB | 23.40 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1 | |
121 | Starmie | 2303 | Water Gun Water STAB | 23.40 | Super Effective x1.95 | Not Very Effective x0.8 | |
123 | Scyther | 2464 | Steel Wing Steel | 14.10 | x1.25 | Not Very Effective x0.64 | |
124 | Jynx | 2512 | Frost Breath Ice STAB | 17.33 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
125 | Electabuzz | 2196 | Low Kick Fighting | 10.41 | x1.25 | x1 | |
126 | Magmar | 2254 | Karate Chop Fighting | 9.38 | x1.25 | x1 | |
127 | Pinsir | 2770 | Rock Smash Fighting | 13.30 | x1.25 | Not Very Effective x0.8 | |
129 | Magikarp | 220 | Splash Water STAB | 0.00 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1 | |
131 | Lapras | 2981 | Frost Breath Ice STAB | 17.33 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
131 | Lapras | 2981 | Ice Shard Ice STAB | 16.71 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
134 | Vaporeon | 3157 | Water Gun Water STAB | 23.40 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1 | |
138 | Omanyte | 1345 | Water Gun Water STAB | 23.40 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1.25 | |
139 | Omastar | 2685 | Water Gun Water STAB | 23.40 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1.25 | |
142 | Aerodactyl | 2608 | Steel Wing Steel | 14.10 | x1.25 | x1 | |
144 | Articuno | 2933 | Frost Breath Ice STAB | 17.33 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
149 | Dragonite | 3581 | Steel Wing Steel | 14.10 | x1.25 | Not Very Effective x0.8 |
Rhyhorn with Fighting Normal Attacks
Fast Attack | Type | Special Attack | Type |
Rock Smash | Fighting | Stomp | Normal |
Rock Smash | Fighting | Horn Attack | Normal |
Recommended to use :
# | Pokémon | Max CP | Fast Attack | DPS | Attack | Defence | |
001 | Bulbasaur | 981 | Vine Whip Grass STAB | 21.00 | Super Effective x1.95 | Not Very Effective x0.8 | |
002 | Ivysaur | 1552 | Razor Leaf Grass STAB | 20.16 | Super Effective x1.95 | Not Very Effective x0.8 | |
002 | Ivysaur | 1552 | Vine Whip Grass STAB | 21.00 | Super Effective x1.95 | Not Very Effective x0.8 | |
003 | Venusaur | 2568 | Razor Leaf Grass STAB | 20.16 | Super Effective x1.95 | Not Very Effective x0.8 | |
003 | Venusaur | 2568 | Vine Whip Grass STAB | 21.00 | Super Effective x1.95 | Not Very Effective x0.8 | |
007 | Squirtle | 808 | Bubble Water STAB | 21.20 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1 | |
008 | Wartortle | 1324 | Water Gun Water STAB | 23.40 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1 | |
009 | Blastoise | 2291 | Water Gun Water STAB | 23.40 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1 | |
017 | Pidgeotto | 1085 | Steel Wing Steel | 14.10 | x1.25 | x1 | |
018 | Pidgeot | 1994 | Steel Wing Steel | 14.10 | x1.25 | x1 | |
022 | Fearow | 1814 | Steel Wing Steel | 14.10 | x1.25 | x1 | |
027 | Sandshrew | 1194 | Mud Shot Ground STAB | 17.02 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
028 | Sandslash | 2328 | Mud Shot Ground STAB | 17.02 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
028 | Sandslash | 2328 | Metal Claw Steel | 15.88 | x1.25 | x1 | |
043 | Oddish | 1069 | Razor Leaf Grass STAB | 20.16 | Super Effective x1.95 | Not Very Effective x0.8 | |
044 | Gloom | 1512 | Razor Leaf Grass STAB | 20.16 | Super Effective x1.95 | Not Very Effective x0.8 | |
045 | Vileplume | 2367 | Razor Leaf Grass STAB | 20.16 | Super Effective x1.95 | Not Very Effective x0.8 | |
050 | Diglett | 465 | Mud Slap Ground STAB | 17.33 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
051 | Dugtrio | 1333 | Mud Slap Ground STAB | 17.33 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
054 | Psyduck | 966 | Water Gun Water STAB | 23.40 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1 | |
055 | Golduck | 2270 | Water Gun Water STAB | 23.40 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1 | |
056 | Mankey | 1002 | Karate Chop Fighting STAB | 11.70 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
057 | Primeape | 2105 | Karate Chop Fighting STAB | 11.70 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
057 | Primeape | 2105 | Low Kick Fighting STAB | 12.99 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
060 | Poliwag | 695 | Bubble Water STAB | 21.20 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1 | |
060 | Poliwag | 695 | Mud Shot Ground | 13.64 | x1.25 | x1 | |
061 | Poliwhirl | 1313 | Bubble Water STAB | 21.20 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1 | |
061 | Poliwhirl | 1313 | Mud Shot Ground | 13.64 | x1.25 | x1 | |
062 | Poliwrath | 2441 | Bubble Water STAB | 21.20 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1 | |
062 | Poliwrath | 2441 | Mud Shot Ground | 13.64 | x1.25 | x1 | |
066 | Machop | 1199 | Karate Chop Fighting STAB | 11.70 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
066 | Machop | 1199 | Low Kick Fighting STAB | 12.99 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
067 | Machoke | 1910 | Karate Chop Fighting STAB | 11.70 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
067 | Machoke | 1910 | Low Kick Fighting STAB | 12.99 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
068 | Machamp | 2889 | Karate Chop Fighting STAB | 11.70 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
068 | Machamp | 2889 | Bullet Punch Steel | 10.41 | x1.25 | x1 | |
069 | Bellsprout | 916 | Vine Whip Grass STAB | 21.00 | Super Effective x1.95 | Not Very Effective x0.8 | |
070 | Weepinbell | 1475 | Razor Leaf Grass STAB | 20.16 | Super Effective x1.95 | Not Very Effective x0.8 | |
071 | Victreebel | 2268 | Razor Leaf Grass STAB | 20.16 | Super Effective x1.95 | Not Very Effective x0.8 | |
072 | Tentacool | 956 | Bubble Water STAB | 21.20 | Super Effective x1.95 | Not Very Effective x0.8 | |
075 | Graveler | 1815 | Mud Slap Ground STAB | 17.33 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
076 | Golem | 2916 | Mud Slap Ground STAB | 17.33 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
078 | Rapidash | 2252 | Low Kick Fighting | 10.41 | x1.25 | x1 | |
079 | Slowpoke | 1204 | Water Gun Water STAB | 23.40 | Super Effective x1.95 | Not Very Effective x0.8 | |
080 | Slowbro | 2482 | Water Gun Water STAB | 23.40 | Super Effective x1.95 | Not Very Effective x0.8 | |
085 | Dodrio | 2138 | Steel Wing Steel | 14.10 | x1.25 | x1 | |
086 | Seel | 899 | Ice Shard Ice | 13.39 | x1.25 | x1 | |
087 | Dewgong | 1894 | Frost Breath Ice STAB | 17.33 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
087 | Dewgong | 1894 | Ice Shard Ice STAB | 16.71 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
088 | Grimer | 1269 | Mud Slap Ground | 13.89 | x1.25 | Not Very Effective x0.8 | |
090 | Shellder | 958 | Ice Shard Ice | 13.39 | x1.25 | x1 | |
091 | Cloyster | 2475 | Frost Breath Ice STAB | 17.33 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
091 | Cloyster | 2475 | Ice Shard Ice STAB | 16.71 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
098 | Krabby | 1386 | Bubble Water STAB | 21.20 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1 | |
098 | Krabby | 1386 | Mud Shot Ground | 13.64 | x1.25 | x1 | |
099 | Kingler | 2694 | Mud Shot Ground | 13.64 | x1.25 | x1 | |
099 | Kingler | 2694 | Metal Claw Steel | 15.88 | x1.25 | x1 | |
104 | Cubone | 943 | Rock Smash Fighting | 13.30 | x1.25 | x1 | |
104 | Cubone | 943 | Mud Slap Ground STAB | 17.33 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
105 | Marowak | 1691 | Rock Smash Fighting | 13.30 | x1.25 | x1 | |
105 | Marowak | 1691 | Mud Slap Ground STAB | 17.33 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
106 | Hitmonlee | 2406 | Low Kick Fighting STAB | 12.99 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
106 | Hitmonlee | 2406 | Rock Smash Fighting STAB | 16.60 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
107 | Hitmonchan | 2098 | Rock Smash Fighting STAB | 16.60 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
107 | Hitmonchan | 2098 | Bullet Punch Steel | 10.41 | x1.25 | x1 | |
111 | Rhyhorn | 1679 | Mud Slap Ground STAB | 17.33 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
112 | Rhydon | 3300 | Mud Slap Ground STAB | 17.33 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
114 | Tangela | 2208 | Vine Whip Grass STAB | 21.00 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1 | |
116 | Horsea | 921 | Bubble Water STAB | 21.20 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1 | |
116 | Horsea | 921 | Water Gun Water STAB | 23.40 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1 | |
117 | Seadra | 1979 | Water Gun Water STAB | 23.40 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1 | |
118 | Goldeen | 1006 | Mud Shot Ground | 13.64 | x1.25 | x1 | |
120 | Staryu | 926 | Water Gun Water STAB | 23.40 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1 | |
121 | Starmie | 2303 | Water Gun Water STAB | 23.40 | Super Effective x1.95 | Not Very Effective x0.8 | |
123 | Scyther | 2464 | Steel Wing Steel | 14.10 | x1.25 | Not Very Effective x0.64 | |
124 | Jynx | 2512 | Frost Breath Ice STAB | 17.33 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
125 | Electabuzz | 2196 | Low Kick Fighting | 10.41 | x1.25 | x1 | |
126 | Magmar | 2254 | Karate Chop Fighting | 9.38 | x1.25 | x1 | |
127 | Pinsir | 2770 | Rock Smash Fighting | 13.30 | x1.25 | Not Very Effective x0.8 | |
129 | Magikarp | 220 | Splash Water STAB | 0.00 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1 | |
131 | Lapras | 2981 | Frost Breath Ice STAB | 17.33 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
131 | Lapras | 2981 | Ice Shard Ice STAB | 16.71 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
134 | Vaporeon | 3157 | Water Gun Water STAB | 23.40 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1 | |
138 | Omanyte | 1345 | Water Gun Water STAB | 23.40 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1.25 | |
139 | Omastar | 2685 | Water Gun Water STAB | 23.40 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1.25 | |
142 | Aerodactyl | 2608 | Steel Wing Steel | 14.10 | x1.25 | x1 | |
144 | Articuno | 2933 | Frost Breath Ice STAB | 17.33 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
149 | Dragonite | 3581 | Steel Wing Steel | 14.10 | x1.25 | Not Very Effective x0.8 |
Rhyhorn with Ground Ground Attacks
Fast Attack | Type | Special Attack | Type |
Mud Slap STAB | Ground | Bulldoze STAB | Ground |
Recommended to use :
# | Pokémon | Max CP | Fast Attack | DPS | Attack | Defence | |
001 | Bulbasaur | 981 | Vine Whip Grass STAB | 21.00 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1.25 | |
002 | Ivysaur | 1552 | Razor Leaf Grass STAB | 20.16 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1.25 | |
002 | Ivysaur | 1552 | Vine Whip Grass STAB | 21.00 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1.25 | |
003 | Venusaur | 2568 | Razor Leaf Grass STAB | 20.16 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1.25 | |
003 | Venusaur | 2568 | Vine Whip Grass STAB | 21.00 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1.25 | |
007 | Squirtle | 808 | Bubble Water STAB | 21.20 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1.25 | |
008 | Wartortle | 1324 | Water Gun Water STAB | 23.40 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1.25 | |
009 | Blastoise | 2291 | Water Gun Water STAB | 23.40 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1.25 | |
017 | Pidgeotto | 1085 | Steel Wing Steel | 14.10 | x1.25 | x1 | |
018 | Pidgeot | 1994 | Steel Wing Steel | 14.10 | x1.25 | x1 | |
022 | Fearow | 1814 | Steel Wing Steel | 14.10 | x1.25 | x1 | |
027 | Sandshrew | 1194 | Mud Shot Ground STAB | 17.02 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
028 | Sandslash | 2328 | Mud Shot Ground STAB | 17.02 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
043 | Oddish | 1069 | Razor Leaf Grass STAB | 20.16 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1.25 | |
044 | Gloom | 1512 | Razor Leaf Grass STAB | 20.16 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1.25 | |
045 | Vileplume | 2367 | Razor Leaf Grass STAB | 20.16 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1.25 | |
050 | Diglett | 465 | Mud Slap Ground STAB | 17.33 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
051 | Dugtrio | 1333 | Mud Slap Ground STAB | 17.33 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
054 | Psyduck | 966 | Water Gun Water STAB | 23.40 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1.25 | |
055 | Golduck | 2270 | Water Gun Water STAB | 23.40 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1.25 | |
056 | Mankey | 1002 | Karate Chop Fighting STAB | 11.70 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
057 | Primeape | 2105 | Karate Chop Fighting STAB | 11.70 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
057 | Primeape | 2105 | Low Kick Fighting STAB | 12.99 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
060 | Poliwag | 695 | Bubble Water STAB | 21.20 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1.25 | |
061 | Poliwhirl | 1313 | Bubble Water STAB | 21.20 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1.25 | |
062 | Poliwrath | 2441 | Bubble Water STAB | 21.20 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1.25 | |
066 | Machop | 1199 | Karate Chop Fighting STAB | 11.70 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
066 | Machop | 1199 | Low Kick Fighting STAB | 12.99 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
067 | Machoke | 1910 | Karate Chop Fighting STAB | 11.70 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
067 | Machoke | 1910 | Low Kick Fighting STAB | 12.99 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
068 | Machamp | 2889 | Karate Chop Fighting STAB | 11.70 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
069 | Bellsprout | 916 | Vine Whip Grass STAB | 21.00 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1.25 | |
070 | Weepinbell | 1475 | Razor Leaf Grass STAB | 20.16 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1.25 | |
071 | Victreebel | 2268 | Razor Leaf Grass STAB | 20.16 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1.25 | |
072 | Tentacool | 956 | Bubble Water STAB | 21.20 | Super Effective x1.95 | Super Effective x1.56 | |
079 | Slowpoke | 1204 | Water Gun Water STAB | 23.40 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1.25 | |
080 | Slowbro | 2482 | Water Gun Water STAB | 23.40 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1.25 | |
085 | Dodrio | 2138 | Steel Wing Steel | 14.10 | x1.25 | x1 | |
087 | Dewgong | 1894 | Frost Breath Ice STAB | 17.33 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
087 | Dewgong | 1894 | Ice Shard Ice STAB | 16.71 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
091 | Cloyster | 2475 | Frost Breath Ice STAB | 17.33 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
091 | Cloyster | 2475 | Ice Shard Ice STAB | 16.71 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
098 | Krabby | 1386 | Bubble Water STAB | 21.20 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1.25 | |
104 | Cubone | 943 | Mud Slap Ground STAB | 17.33 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
105 | Marowak | 1691 | Mud Slap Ground STAB | 17.33 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
106 | Hitmonlee | 2406 | Low Kick Fighting STAB | 12.99 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
106 | Hitmonlee | 2406 | Rock Smash Fighting STAB | 16.60 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
107 | Hitmonchan | 2098 | Rock Smash Fighting STAB | 16.60 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
114 | Tangela | 2208 | Vine Whip Grass STAB | 21.00 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1 | |
116 | Horsea | 921 | Bubble Water STAB | 21.20 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1.25 | |
116 | Horsea | 921 | Water Gun Water STAB | 23.40 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1.25 | |
117 | Seadra | 1979 | Water Gun Water STAB | 23.40 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1.25 | |
120 | Staryu | 926 | Water Gun Water STAB | 23.40 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1.25 | |
121 | Starmie | 2303 | Water Gun Water STAB | 23.40 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1.25 | |
123 | Scyther | 2464 | Steel Wing Steel | 14.10 | x1.25 | Not Very Effective x0.8 | |
124 | Jynx | 2512 | Frost Breath Ice STAB | 17.33 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
127 | Pinsir | 2770 | Rock Smash Fighting | 13.30 | x1.25 | x1 | |
129 | Magikarp | 220 | Splash Water STAB | 0.00 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1.25 | |
131 | Lapras | 2981 | Frost Breath Ice STAB | 17.33 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
131 | Lapras | 2981 | Ice Shard Ice STAB | 16.71 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
134 | Vaporeon | 3157 | Water Gun Water STAB | 23.40 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1.25 | |
138 | Omanyte | 1345 | Water Gun Water STAB | 23.40 | Super Effective x1.95 | Super Effective x1.56 | |
139 | Omastar | 2685 | Water Gun Water STAB | 23.40 | Super Effective x1.95 | Super Effective x1.56 | |
144 | Articuno | 2933 | Frost Breath Ice STAB | 17.33 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
149 | Dragonite | 3581 | Steel Wing Steel | 14.10 | x1.25 | x1 |
Rhyhorn with Ground Normal Attacks
Fast Attack | Type | Special Attack | Type |
Mud Slap STAB | Ground | Stomp | Normal |
Mud Slap STAB | Ground | Horn Attack | Normal |
Recommended to use :
# | Pokémon | Max CP | Fast Attack | DPS | Attack | Defence | |
001 | Bulbasaur | 981 | Vine Whip Grass STAB | 21.00 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1.25 | |
002 | Ivysaur | 1552 | Razor Leaf Grass STAB | 20.16 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1.25 | |
002 | Ivysaur | 1552 | Vine Whip Grass STAB | 21.00 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1.25 | |
003 | Venusaur | 2568 | Razor Leaf Grass STAB | 20.16 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1.25 | |
003 | Venusaur | 2568 | Vine Whip Grass STAB | 21.00 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1.25 | |
007 | Squirtle | 808 | Bubble Water STAB | 21.20 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1.25 | |
008 | Wartortle | 1324 | Water Gun Water STAB | 23.40 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1.25 | |
009 | Blastoise | 2291 | Water Gun Water STAB | 23.40 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1.25 | |
017 | Pidgeotto | 1085 | Steel Wing Steel | 14.10 | x1.25 | x1 | |
018 | Pidgeot | 1994 | Steel Wing Steel | 14.10 | x1.25 | x1 | |
022 | Fearow | 1814 | Steel Wing Steel | 14.10 | x1.25 | x1 | |
027 | Sandshrew | 1194 | Mud Shot Ground STAB | 17.02 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
028 | Sandslash | 2328 | Mud Shot Ground STAB | 17.02 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
043 | Oddish | 1069 | Razor Leaf Grass STAB | 20.16 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1.25 | |
044 | Gloom | 1512 | Razor Leaf Grass STAB | 20.16 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1.25 | |
045 | Vileplume | 2367 | Razor Leaf Grass STAB | 20.16 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1.25 | |
050 | Diglett | 465 | Mud Slap Ground STAB | 17.33 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
051 | Dugtrio | 1333 | Mud Slap Ground STAB | 17.33 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
054 | Psyduck | 966 | Water Gun Water STAB | 23.40 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1.25 | |
055 | Golduck | 2270 | Water Gun Water STAB | 23.40 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1.25 | |
056 | Mankey | 1002 | Karate Chop Fighting STAB | 11.70 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
057 | Primeape | 2105 | Karate Chop Fighting STAB | 11.70 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
057 | Primeape | 2105 | Low Kick Fighting STAB | 12.99 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
060 | Poliwag | 695 | Bubble Water STAB | 21.20 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1.25 | |
061 | Poliwhirl | 1313 | Bubble Water STAB | 21.20 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1.25 | |
062 | Poliwrath | 2441 | Bubble Water STAB | 21.20 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1.25 | |
066 | Machop | 1199 | Karate Chop Fighting STAB | 11.70 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
066 | Machop | 1199 | Low Kick Fighting STAB | 12.99 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
067 | Machoke | 1910 | Karate Chop Fighting STAB | 11.70 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
067 | Machoke | 1910 | Low Kick Fighting STAB | 12.99 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
068 | Machamp | 2889 | Karate Chop Fighting STAB | 11.70 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
069 | Bellsprout | 916 | Vine Whip Grass STAB | 21.00 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1.25 | |
070 | Weepinbell | 1475 | Razor Leaf Grass STAB | 20.16 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1.25 | |
071 | Victreebel | 2268 | Razor Leaf Grass STAB | 20.16 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1.25 | |
072 | Tentacool | 956 | Bubble Water STAB | 21.20 | Super Effective x1.95 | Super Effective x1.56 | |
079 | Slowpoke | 1204 | Water Gun Water STAB | 23.40 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1.25 | |
080 | Slowbro | 2482 | Water Gun Water STAB | 23.40 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1.25 | |
085 | Dodrio | 2138 | Steel Wing Steel | 14.10 | x1.25 | x1 | |
087 | Dewgong | 1894 | Frost Breath Ice STAB | 17.33 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
087 | Dewgong | 1894 | Ice Shard Ice STAB | 16.71 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
091 | Cloyster | 2475 | Frost Breath Ice STAB | 17.33 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
091 | Cloyster | 2475 | Ice Shard Ice STAB | 16.71 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
098 | Krabby | 1386 | Bubble Water STAB | 21.20 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1.25 | |
104 | Cubone | 943 | Mud Slap Ground STAB | 17.33 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
105 | Marowak | 1691 | Mud Slap Ground STAB | 17.33 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
106 | Hitmonlee | 2406 | Low Kick Fighting STAB | 12.99 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
106 | Hitmonlee | 2406 | Rock Smash Fighting STAB | 16.60 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
107 | Hitmonchan | 2098 | Rock Smash Fighting STAB | 16.60 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
114 | Tangela | 2208 | Vine Whip Grass STAB | 21.00 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1 | |
116 | Horsea | 921 | Bubble Water STAB | 21.20 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1.25 | |
116 | Horsea | 921 | Water Gun Water STAB | 23.40 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1.25 | |
117 | Seadra | 1979 | Water Gun Water STAB | 23.40 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1.25 | |
120 | Staryu | 926 | Water Gun Water STAB | 23.40 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1.25 | |
121 | Starmie | 2303 | Water Gun Water STAB | 23.40 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1.25 | |
123 | Scyther | 2464 | Steel Wing Steel | 14.10 | x1.25 | Not Very Effective x0.8 | |
124 | Jynx | 2512 | Frost Breath Ice STAB | 17.33 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
127 | Pinsir | 2770 | Rock Smash Fighting | 13.30 | x1.25 | x1 | |
129 | Magikarp | 220 | Splash Water STAB | 0.00 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1.25 | |
131 | Lapras | 2981 | Frost Breath Ice STAB | 17.33 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
131 | Lapras | 2981 | Ice Shard Ice STAB | 16.71 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
134 | Vaporeon | 3157 | Water Gun Water STAB | 23.40 | Super Effective x1.95 | x1.25 | |
138 | Omanyte | 1345 | Water Gun Water STAB | 23.40 | Super Effective x1.95 | Super Effective x1.56 | |
139 | Omastar | 2685 | Water Gun Water STAB | 23.40 | Super Effective x1.95 | Super Effective x1.56 | |
144 | Articuno | 2933 | Frost Breath Ice STAB | 17.33 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
149 | Dragonite | 3581 | Steel Wing Steel | 14.10 | x1.25 | x1 |