What Pokémon are good against Wigglytuff? These Pokémon either has type advantage against Wigglytuff or moves that are Super Effective against Wigglytuff.
Wigglytuff with Dark Fairy Attacks
Fast Attack | Type | Special Attack | Type |
Feint Attack | Dark | Dazzling Gleam STAB | Fairy |
Feint Attack | Dark | Play Rough STAB | Fairy |
Recommended to use :
# | Pokémon | Max CP | Fast Attack | DPS | Attack | Defence | |
013 | Weedle | 397 | Poison Sting Poison STAB | 16.27 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
014 | Kakuna | 392 | Poison Sting Poison STAB | 16.27 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
015 | Beedrill | 1777 | Poison Jab Poison STAB | 17.83 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
017 | Pidgeotto | 1085 | Steel Wing Steel | 14.10 | x1.25 | x1 | |
018 | Pidgeot | 1994 | Steel Wing Steel | 14.10 | x1.25 | x1 | |
022 | Fearow | 1814 | Steel Wing Steel | 14.10 | x1.25 | x1 | |
023 | Ekans | 778 | Acid Poison STAB | 14.85 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
023 | Ekans | 778 | Poison Sting Poison STAB | 16.27 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
024 | Arbok | 1737 | Acid Poison STAB | 14.85 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
028 | Sandslash | 2328 | Metal Claw Steel | 15.88 | x1.25 | x1 | |
029 | Nidoran ♀ | 736 | Poison Sting Poison STAB | 16.27 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
030 | Nidorina | 1218 | Poison Sting Poison STAB | 16.27 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
031 | Nidoqueen | 2338 | Poison Jab Poison STAB | 17.83 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
032 | Nidoran ♂ | 739 | Poison Sting Poison STAB | 16.27 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
033 | Nidorino | 1252 | Poison Jab Poison STAB | 17.83 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
034 | Nidoking | 2386 | Poison Jab Poison STAB | 17.83 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
043 | Oddish | 1069 | Acid Poison STAB | 14.85 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
044 | Gloom | 1512 | Acid Poison STAB | 14.85 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
045 | Vileplume | 2367 | Acid Poison STAB | 14.85 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
068 | Machamp | 2889 | Bullet Punch Steel | 10.41 | x1.25 | Not Very Effective x0.8 | |
069 | Bellsprout | 916 | Acid Poison STAB | 14.85 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
070 | Weepinbell | 1475 | Acid Poison STAB | 14.85 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
071 | Victreebel | 2268 | Acid Poison STAB | 14.85 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
072 | Tentacool | 956 | Poison Sting Poison STAB | 16.27 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
073 | Tentacruel | 2374 | Acid Poison STAB | 14.85 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
073 | Tentacruel | 2374 | Poison Jab Poison STAB | 17.83 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
085 | Dodrio | 2138 | Steel Wing Steel | 14.10 | x1.25 | x1 | |
088 | Grimer | 1269 | Poison Jab Poison STAB | 17.83 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
089 | Muk | 2709 | Poison Jab Poison STAB | 17.83 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
099 | Kingler | 2694 | Metal Claw Steel | 15.88 | x1.25 | x1 | |
107 | Hitmonchan | 2098 | Bullet Punch Steel | 10.41 | x1.25 | Not Very Effective x0.8 | |
119 | Seaking | 2040 | Poison Jab Poison | 14.29 | x1.25 | x1 | |
123 | Scyther | 2464 | Steel Wing Steel | 14.10 | x1.25 | x1 | |
142 | Aerodactyl | 2608 | Steel Wing Steel | 14.10 | x1.25 | x1 | |
149 | Dragonite | 3581 | Steel Wing Steel | 14.10 | x1.25 | x1 |
Wigglytuff with Dark Normal Attacks
Fast Attack | Type | Special Attack | Type |
Feint Attack | Dark | Hyper Beam STAB | Normal |
Recommended to use :
# | Pokémon | Max CP | Fast Attack | DPS | Attack | Defence | |
013 | Weedle | 397 | Poison Sting Poison STAB | 16.27 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
014 | Kakuna | 392 | Poison Sting Poison STAB | 16.27 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
015 | Beedrill | 1777 | Poison Jab Poison STAB | 17.83 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
017 | Pidgeotto | 1085 | Steel Wing Steel | 14.10 | x1.25 | x1 | |
018 | Pidgeot | 1994 | Steel Wing Steel | 14.10 | x1.25 | x1 | |
022 | Fearow | 1814 | Steel Wing Steel | 14.10 | x1.25 | x1 | |
023 | Ekans | 778 | Acid Poison STAB | 14.85 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
023 | Ekans | 778 | Poison Sting Poison STAB | 16.27 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
024 | Arbok | 1737 | Acid Poison STAB | 14.85 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
028 | Sandslash | 2328 | Metal Claw Steel | 15.88 | x1.25 | x1 | |
029 | Nidoran ♀ | 736 | Poison Sting Poison STAB | 16.27 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
030 | Nidorina | 1218 | Poison Sting Poison STAB | 16.27 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
031 | Nidoqueen | 2338 | Poison Jab Poison STAB | 17.83 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
032 | Nidoran ♂ | 739 | Poison Sting Poison STAB | 16.27 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
033 | Nidorino | 1252 | Poison Jab Poison STAB | 17.83 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
034 | Nidoking | 2386 | Poison Jab Poison STAB | 17.83 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
043 | Oddish | 1069 | Acid Poison STAB | 14.85 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
044 | Gloom | 1512 | Acid Poison STAB | 14.85 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
045 | Vileplume | 2367 | Acid Poison STAB | 14.85 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
068 | Machamp | 2889 | Bullet Punch Steel | 10.41 | x1.25 | Not Very Effective x0.8 | |
069 | Bellsprout | 916 | Acid Poison STAB | 14.85 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
070 | Weepinbell | 1475 | Acid Poison STAB | 14.85 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
071 | Victreebel | 2268 | Acid Poison STAB | 14.85 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
072 | Tentacool | 956 | Poison Sting Poison STAB | 16.27 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
073 | Tentacruel | 2374 | Acid Poison STAB | 14.85 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
073 | Tentacruel | 2374 | Poison Jab Poison STAB | 17.83 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
085 | Dodrio | 2138 | Steel Wing Steel | 14.10 | x1.25 | x1 | |
088 | Grimer | 1269 | Poison Jab Poison STAB | 17.83 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
089 | Muk | 2709 | Poison Jab Poison STAB | 17.83 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
099 | Kingler | 2694 | Metal Claw Steel | 15.88 | x1.25 | x1 | |
107 | Hitmonchan | 2098 | Bullet Punch Steel | 10.41 | x1.25 | Not Very Effective x0.8 | |
119 | Seaking | 2040 | Poison Jab Poison | 14.29 | x1.25 | x1 | |
123 | Scyther | 2464 | Steel Wing Steel | 14.10 | x1.25 | x1 | |
142 | Aerodactyl | 2608 | Steel Wing Steel | 14.10 | x1.25 | x1 | |
149 | Dragonite | 3581 | Steel Wing Steel | 14.10 | x1.25 | x1 |
Wigglytuff with Normal Fairy Attacks
Fast Attack | Type | Special Attack | Type |
Pound STAB | Normal | Dazzling Gleam STAB | Fairy |
Pound STAB | Normal | Play Rough STAB | Fairy |
Recommended to use :
# | Pokémon | Max CP | Fast Attack | DPS | Attack | Defence | |
013 | Weedle | 397 | Poison Sting Poison STAB | 16.27 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
014 | Kakuna | 392 | Poison Sting Poison STAB | 16.27 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
015 | Beedrill | 1777 | Poison Jab Poison STAB | 17.83 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
023 | Ekans | 778 | Acid Poison STAB | 14.85 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
023 | Ekans | 778 | Poison Sting Poison STAB | 16.27 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
024 | Arbok | 1737 | Acid Poison STAB | 14.85 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
029 | Nidoran ♀ | 736 | Poison Sting Poison STAB | 16.27 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
030 | Nidorina | 1218 | Poison Sting Poison STAB | 16.27 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
031 | Nidoqueen | 2338 | Poison Jab Poison STAB | 17.83 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
032 | Nidoran ♂ | 739 | Poison Sting Poison STAB | 16.27 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
033 | Nidorino | 1252 | Poison Jab Poison STAB | 17.83 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
034 | Nidoking | 2386 | Poison Jab Poison STAB | 17.83 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
043 | Oddish | 1069 | Acid Poison STAB | 14.85 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
044 | Gloom | 1512 | Acid Poison STAB | 14.85 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
045 | Vileplume | 2367 | Acid Poison STAB | 14.85 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
069 | Bellsprout | 916 | Acid Poison STAB | 14.85 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
070 | Weepinbell | 1475 | Acid Poison STAB | 14.85 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
071 | Victreebel | 2268 | Acid Poison STAB | 14.85 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
072 | Tentacool | 956 | Poison Sting Poison STAB | 16.27 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
073 | Tentacruel | 2374 | Acid Poison STAB | 14.85 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
073 | Tentacruel | 2374 | Poison Jab Poison STAB | 17.83 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
088 | Grimer | 1269 | Poison Jab Poison STAB | 17.83 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
089 | Muk | 2709 | Poison Jab Poison STAB | 17.83 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
142 | Aerodactyl | 2608 | Steel Wing Steel | 14.10 | x1.25 | x1 |
Wigglytuff with Normal Normal Attacks
Fast Attack | Type | Special Attack | Type |
Pound STAB | Normal | Hyper Beam STAB | Normal |
Recommended to use :
# | Pokémon | Max CP | Fast Attack | DPS | Attack | Defence | |
013 | Weedle | 397 | Poison Sting Poison STAB | 16.27 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
014 | Kakuna | 392 | Poison Sting Poison STAB | 16.27 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
015 | Beedrill | 1777 | Poison Jab Poison STAB | 17.83 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
023 | Ekans | 778 | Acid Poison STAB | 14.85 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
023 | Ekans | 778 | Poison Sting Poison STAB | 16.27 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
024 | Arbok | 1737 | Acid Poison STAB | 14.85 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
029 | Nidoran ♀ | 736 | Poison Sting Poison STAB | 16.27 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
030 | Nidorina | 1218 | Poison Sting Poison STAB | 16.27 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
031 | Nidoqueen | 2338 | Poison Jab Poison STAB | 17.83 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
032 | Nidoran ♂ | 739 | Poison Sting Poison STAB | 16.27 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
033 | Nidorino | 1252 | Poison Jab Poison STAB | 17.83 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
034 | Nidoking | 2386 | Poison Jab Poison STAB | 17.83 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
043 | Oddish | 1069 | Acid Poison STAB | 14.85 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
044 | Gloom | 1512 | Acid Poison STAB | 14.85 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
045 | Vileplume | 2367 | Acid Poison STAB | 14.85 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
069 | Bellsprout | 916 | Acid Poison STAB | 14.85 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
070 | Weepinbell | 1475 | Acid Poison STAB | 14.85 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
071 | Victreebel | 2268 | Acid Poison STAB | 14.85 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
072 | Tentacool | 956 | Poison Sting Poison STAB | 16.27 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
073 | Tentacruel | 2374 | Acid Poison STAB | 14.85 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
073 | Tentacruel | 2374 | Poison Jab Poison STAB | 17.83 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
088 | Grimer | 1269 | Poison Jab Poison STAB | 17.83 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
089 | Muk | 2709 | Poison Jab Poison STAB | 17.83 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
142 | Aerodactyl | 2608 | Steel Wing Steel | 14.10 | x1.25 | x1 |