What Pokémon are good against Ekans? These Pokémon either has type advantage against Ekans or moves that are Super Effective against Ekans.
Ekans with Poison Poison Attacks
Fast Attack | Type | Special Attack | Type |
Acid STAB | Poison | Gunk Shot STAB | Poison |
Acid STAB | Poison | Sludge Bomb STAB | Poison |
Poison Sting STAB | Poison | Gunk Shot STAB | Poison |
Poison Sting STAB | Poison | Sludge Bomb STAB | Poison |
Recommended to use :
# | Pokémon | Max CP | Fast Attack | DPS | Attack | Defence | |
027 | Sandshrew | 1194 | Mud Shot Ground STAB | 17.02 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
028 | Sandslash | 2328 | Mud Shot Ground STAB | 17.02 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
048 | Venonat | 902 | Confusion Psychic | 12.41 | x1.25 | x1 | |
049 | Venomoth | 1937 | Confusion Psychic | 12.41 | x1.25 | x1 | |
050 | Diglett | 465 | Mud Slap Ground STAB | 17.33 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
051 | Dugtrio | 1333 | Mud Slap Ground STAB | 17.33 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
063 | Abra | 1148 | Zen Headbutt Psychic STAB | 17.83 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
064 | Kadabra | 1859 | Confusion Psychic STAB | 15.49 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
064 | Kadabra | 1859 | Psycho Cut Psychic STAB | 19.16 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
065 | Alakazam | 2887 | Confusion Psychic STAB | 15.49 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
065 | Alakazam | 2887 | Psycho Cut Psychic STAB | 19.16 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
075 | Graveler | 1815 | Mud Slap Ground STAB | 17.33 | Super Effective x1.56 | Not Very Effective x0.8 | |
076 | Golem | 2916 | Mud Slap Ground STAB | 17.33 | Super Effective x1.56 | Not Very Effective x0.8 | |
079 | Slowpoke | 1204 | Confusion Psychic STAB | 15.49 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
080 | Slowbro | 2482 | Confusion Psychic STAB | 15.49 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
088 | Grimer | 1269 | Mud Slap Ground | 13.89 | x1.25 | x1 | |
096 | Drowzee | 992 | Confusion Psychic STAB | 15.49 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
097 | Hypno | 2048 | Confusion Psychic STAB | 15.49 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
097 | Hypno | 2048 | Zen Headbutt Psychic STAB | 17.83 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
104 | Cubone | 943 | Mud Slap Ground STAB | 17.33 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
105 | Marowak | 1691 | Mud Slap Ground STAB | 17.33 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
111 | Rhyhorn | 1679 | Mud Slap Ground STAB | 17.33 | Super Effective x1.56 | Not Very Effective x0.8 | |
112 | Rhydon | 3300 | Mud Slap Ground STAB | 17.33 | Super Effective x1.56 | Not Very Effective x0.8 | |
138 | Omanyte | 1345 | Mud Shot Ground | 13.64 | x1.25 | x1 | |
139 | Omastar | 2685 | Mud Shot Ground | 13.64 | x1.25 | x1 | |
140 | Kabuto | 1172 | Mud Shot Ground | 13.64 | x1.25 | x1 | |
141 | Kabutops | 2517 | Mud Shot Ground | 13.64 | x1.25 | x1 | |
150 | Mewtwo | 4760 | Confusion Psychic STAB | 15.49 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
150 | Mewtwo | 4760 | Psycho Cut Psychic STAB | 19.16 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 |
Ekans with Poison Normal Attacks
Fast Attack | Type | Special Attack | Type |
Acid STAB | Poison | Wrap | Normal |
Poison Sting STAB | Poison | Wrap | Normal |
Recommended to use :
# | Pokémon | Max CP | Fast Attack | DPS | Attack | Defence | |
027 | Sandshrew | 1194 | Mud Shot Ground STAB | 17.02 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
028 | Sandslash | 2328 | Mud Shot Ground STAB | 17.02 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
048 | Venonat | 902 | Confusion Psychic | 12.41 | x1.25 | x1 | |
049 | Venomoth | 1937 | Confusion Psychic | 12.41 | x1.25 | x1 | |
050 | Diglett | 465 | Mud Slap Ground STAB | 17.33 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
051 | Dugtrio | 1333 | Mud Slap Ground STAB | 17.33 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
063 | Abra | 1148 | Zen Headbutt Psychic STAB | 17.83 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
064 | Kadabra | 1859 | Confusion Psychic STAB | 15.49 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
064 | Kadabra | 1859 | Psycho Cut Psychic STAB | 19.16 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
065 | Alakazam | 2887 | Confusion Psychic STAB | 15.49 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
065 | Alakazam | 2887 | Psycho Cut Psychic STAB | 19.16 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
075 | Graveler | 1815 | Mud Slap Ground STAB | 17.33 | Super Effective x1.56 | Not Very Effective x0.8 | |
076 | Golem | 2916 | Mud Slap Ground STAB | 17.33 | Super Effective x1.56 | Not Very Effective x0.8 | |
079 | Slowpoke | 1204 | Confusion Psychic STAB | 15.49 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
080 | Slowbro | 2482 | Confusion Psychic STAB | 15.49 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
088 | Grimer | 1269 | Mud Slap Ground | 13.89 | x1.25 | x1 | |
096 | Drowzee | 992 | Confusion Psychic STAB | 15.49 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
097 | Hypno | 2048 | Confusion Psychic STAB | 15.49 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
097 | Hypno | 2048 | Zen Headbutt Psychic STAB | 17.83 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
104 | Cubone | 943 | Mud Slap Ground STAB | 17.33 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
105 | Marowak | 1691 | Mud Slap Ground STAB | 17.33 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1 | |
111 | Rhyhorn | 1679 | Mud Slap Ground STAB | 17.33 | Super Effective x1.56 | Not Very Effective x0.8 | |
112 | Rhydon | 3300 | Mud Slap Ground STAB | 17.33 | Super Effective x1.56 | Not Very Effective x0.8 | |
138 | Omanyte | 1345 | Mud Shot Ground | 13.64 | x1.25 | x1 | |
139 | Omastar | 2685 | Mud Shot Ground | 13.64 | x1.25 | x1 | |
140 | Kabuto | 1172 | Mud Shot Ground | 13.64 | x1.25 | x1 | |
141 | Kabutops | 2517 | Mud Shot Ground | 13.64 | x1.25 | x1 | |
150 | Mewtwo | 4760 | Confusion Psychic STAB | 15.49 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 | |
150 | Mewtwo | 4760 | Psycho Cut Psychic STAB | 19.16 | Super Effective x1.56 | x1.25 |